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文档介绍:Unit 1 Me and My Class
Lesson 1  Li Ming Is Back to School
Ⅰ.Teaching content:
1.     New words and phrases: grade, student, class, pupil, cousin; be back, have lessons/classes
2.     Introduce yourself and your school
Ⅱ.Teaching goals
1.     Learn new words: back grade, student, class, pupil & cousin
2.     Make sure the Ss can introduce themselves and their school
3.     Talk about the differences between schools in China and other countries.
Ⅲ.Key points:
 1) Some new words and phrases
 2) Introduce a school by mail
Ⅳ.Difficult points: Compare schools in China and Canada
Ⅴ.Preparation: some word cards, pictures
Ⅵ.Teaching resources: recorder, pictures or cards
Ⅶ.Type of the lesson: listening and speaking
Ⅷ.Teaching procedure
1: Class opening
1)Teacher’s and Ss’ self-introductions.
T: I’m your (new) English teacher from today. My name is …. You can call me Mr./. I’m glad to learn English with you. I hope to be your friend, so I want to know you now. Please introduce yourself to me. Who wants to be my first friend?
S1: My name is Wang Wei.
T: Good, thank you Wang Wei. You are a handsome boy. .
S2: My name is Li Xiaohua.
T: Very good. Glad to get my second friend. Thanks, Xiaohua. Your red skirt is so beautiful. I like red very much. Where are you from?

(The teacher can ask Ss some other questions, such as: How old are you? Do you like English? What’s your favorite color? etc. but do remember to praise each student for whatever he/she says in English.)
2)Lead in today’s new lesson
T: After you introduced yourselves, I have known some of you. Now I want to know something about our school. Who can tell me? Is it big?
S3: Yes, It’s very big.        
T: oh? How big is it?
S4: Every grade has 8 classes.
T: Wow, yeah. It’s quite big. Then we have 24 classes (the teacher can pause a little here , waiting for the Ss speak together) altogether. Very good, Who can tell me how many students in our class?
S5: Forty-eight.
T: Thank you,