loan ontratontrat number: _____________ borroer:________________ address:_________________ lender:__________________ address:_________________ in aordane ith provisions of ontrat la of the peoples republi of hina and bank of hina, after revieing the status and the request of the borroer, the lender agrees to grant the borroer a line of redit on. the borroer, lender and guarantor, through friendl negotiation, have exeuted this ontrat as follos:artile 1 urren, amount and term of the loan:
1. the urren under this loan is reiminbi.
2. the line of the loan is uan.
3. the period of this loan is 12 months from the date of effetiveness of this ontrat.artile 2 the purpose of the loan:
1. the purpose of this loan is used for orking apital turnover.
2. ithout ritten approval of the lender, the borroer ould not use the loan out of the sope of the purpose.artile 3 interest rate and alulation of interest:
1. interest rate: the interest rate shall beduring the loan term, if the ountrs related authorit adjusted the interest rate or the manner of alulation of interest, the interest of this ontrat shall be adjusted aordingl after one ear from the date of exeution of this ontrat. the adjustment shall be onduted hen the interest rate are exeuted one ear.it is not obliged to inform