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文档介绍:Lesson 21
greet each other
talk about the colour, size, kind, style and price
the result of the shopping
How to shop:
Do you always celebrate holidays with your whole family?
Why do families like to celebrate holidays together?
Do you know Thanksgiving Day? What is it?
When is it celebrated in Canada?
When is it celebrated in the United States?
Think about it!
Read the learning tips and answer the following questions:
When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in Canada?
2. When is it celebrated in the United States?
3. What is Thanksgiving?
to give thanks for the harvest and good health
a time to return home to see family and
friends for most people
On the second Monday in October.
On the fourth Thursday of November.
1. Who do you often meet when you celebrate holidays?
2. Who does Brian meet on Thanksgiving Day?
Make a guess.
Think about it!
Listen and catch the answer:
Who does Brian meet on Thanksgiving Day?
Read carefully and answer the questions:
Where does Jenny go for Thanksgiving Day?
2. Who does she go with?
3. Who opens the door?
4. What does Jenny’s grandfather say to them when he opens the door?
5. What does he give Jenny and Brian?
6. What is their grandmother doing in the kitchen?
7. Have Brian’s e?
8. How do they feel when they meet each other?
A big hug.
Language notes:
the twins’ home the workers’ factory
4. hug v. hug sb. warmly
n. give sb. a big hug
2. her grandparents’ house
3. The same to you.
5. It’s good to see you.
grandparent: grandfather or grandmother
grandparents: grandfather and grandmother
Language notes:
tonight adv. He’e here tonight.
n. tonight’s Thanksgiving dinner
2. come, go, leave, arrive 等表示位置转移的词可以用现
3. Nice to finally meet you!
( )1. On Thanksgiving Day, Jenny goes to her
________ house with her mother.
A. grandparent B. grandparents
C. grandparents’s D. grandparents’
( )2.


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