文档介绍:·70· 中华临床医师杂志(电子版)2014 年 1 月第 8 卷第 1 期 Chin J Clinicians(Electronic Edition),January 1,2014,,
HPV 感染对男性精子活力及精子 DNA
【摘要】目的通过检测人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染的精液中精子活力及精子 DNA 完整性,
探讨 HPV 感染对精液参数及精子 DNA 完整性的影响,进一步完善精液质量评估,为男性不育症患
者,尤其是弱精子症者的治疗及辅助生殖技术助孕前的检查提供新的依据。方法采用 PCR-膜杂交
法及染色质扩散实验法检测 330 例因不育就诊的男性患者精液中 HPV 感染率、感染亚型、精子活力
及精子 DNA 完整性。根据精液中 HPV 的感染情况分为 HPV 感染组和 HPV 未感染组。分别比较 HPV
感染组和未感染组间精子活力及精子 DNA 完整性的差异性。结果 HPV 感染组精子活力及精子
DNA 完整性无明显差异。结论 HPV 感染精液对精子活力及精子 DNA 完整性无明显影响。
【关键词】人乳头瘤病毒; 精子活力; 精子 DNA 完整性
The effect of human papillomavirus on sperm motility and sperm chromatin integrity in semen
Zheng Hua, Wang Liyan, Chen Xiujuan. Department of Reproductive Medicine, Affiliated Hospital of Inner
Mongolia MedicalUniversity, Huhhot 010050, China
Corresponding author: Chen Xiujuan, Email: 90098687@
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate whether the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) in
semen was associated with sperm parameters and an elevated sperm DNA fragmentation index, we
detected the quality of semen by assessing sperm motility and DNA integrity according to WHO criteria.
Methods PCR-membrane hybridization and sperm chromatin dispersion were performed in 330 semen
samples from patients who suffered from infertility. HPV subtypes, sperm motility and sperm chromatin
integrity was determined. According to the result of PCR-membra