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上传人:陈晓翠 2012/4/1 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:Dear Sir or Madam:
As a teacher of pharmacy chemistry in central south university, I am honored to mend Ms. Wang, one of my favorite students to your master program. I have been teaching her Pharmacy Chemistry for one term when she was a junior. During that term, her excellent performance impressed me so that I believe she has ability to adjust herself to study life abroad.
A will of iron, in my opinion, is one of her most valuable qualities. At the beginning of new term in 2009, I was told some things about students in order to enhance my knowledge of new students. During that talking, the first mentioned student was Ms. Wang. At times of adversity, she equipped herself better and remained optimistic. What is more, after her farther died in 2007, she did not go to the dad and depending on her struggle, battled against the adversity. In order to scrape up enough money for the tuition, she worked as tutor after school, salesperson in supermarket on weekends, assistant in lab during spring and summer holiday and even subject in our testing center, which was mendable in China where under the policy of one child, almost every child in city, grew up in paternal overprotection.
Besides her struggle against predicament, I also admired her thoughtful cast of mind and keen observation. For example, in the experiment of Pharmacy chemistry, when I directed students to install absorb


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