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上传人:管理资源吧 2012/2/6 文件大小:0 KB




Professor Zhang Hua
School of Management
4th Floor, Fa Xue Lou
Beijing University
Beijing 100871
P. R. China
Tel: 861-2561166
Dear Sir:
I strongly mend Miss Li for admission to your graduate program. She has proven herself an excellent student not only in my class but also in other major courses.
She was a former student of mine in the course of Mathematical Analysis during the second semester of the academic year 1991-1992. She is brilliant and she capability of abstract reasoning is above most of her peers. I still remember it was always she who first raised her hand and answered the difficult questions. Apart from this, she was eager to learn and always had many new ideas out of my expectations, some of which reflected her originality and independent thought. At the end of course, she achieved a high score of 98 and surpassed all the other students in the class.
In my 30-year teaching career, Miss Li is an unusual student with surprising stamina and perseverance toward goals. Just depending on this fine quality, she—a girl born in a small mountain village


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