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上传人:xunlai783 2017/12/29 文件大小:67 KB





学校:________ 姓名:________ 成绩:________
I got into trouble with my maths teacher, Miss Chulia. Yesterday, Miss Chulia gave the class two pieces of homework. And she 1 gave strict instructions that we had to hand them in today. That way, she could correct them over the weekend and go through (详细讨论) the 2 with the class on Monday. When I reached home, I immediately put down my bag, 3 paper and began doing them. I clearly remember 4 the paper back into my file (文件夹) once it was finished.
When I went to school today, Miss Chulia 5 us to hand in our homework. I took out my file confidently, 6 for some reason that I could not think of, the paper was not in there! I then thought that maybe I had put them into my bag 7 rather than in the file. I searched
the bag but in vain (徒劳). The paper was 8 to be found! Since I could not find them, I had no 9 but to tell Miss Chulia.
I walked towards the teacher’s table slowly. I was preparing 10 for a punishment (惩罚). When the class realized what I was doing, they held their breaths and 11 the scene. When I went close to Miss Chulia, I could 12 find my voice to talk to her. After I told her what had happened, Miss Chulia was very 13 . She started to criticize me. She told me to be more 14 in future. For the rest of my day, I was feeling sorry 15 myself. More importantly, I still didn’t