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The discussions of the problem and solution which should be paid attention to in medicines administrative system software development
Summary:With the popularization of work of the hospital , and the development at full speed of work technology. Excavate and utilize the function of puter work fully, in order to improve hospital pharmacy excellent service standard of drug of department and strengthen drug management inside the department, causing more and more attention, and will play a more and more important role in the pharmacy work of the hospital. According to the current situation of the development work technology of puter, setting up work of the hospital has already e inevitable. The development and application of software on medicines manage systems, offer powerful support for the hospital medicines information construction. GSP transforms the demand with standardized management, has promoted the development of information construction of the hospital. At present, medicines manage systems software emerge in an endless stream , but, because medicines sell particularity in management, certainly will require software developer design phase find out about demand , hospital of medicines fully in software, plan the function of the software scientifically. Rational business procedure and perfect systematic structure are foundations of the software framework; Fully consider content and method that medicines information describe in software design; To the different operation mode of different hospitals , cons


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