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跨文化交际论文 Tea and Coffee.doc

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跨文化交际论文 Tea and Coffee.doc

上传人:xunlai783 2017/12/29 文件大小:40 KB


跨文化交际论文 Tea and Coffee.doc


论文题目:A study on Chinese Tea Culture and Western Coffee Culture

A study on Chinese Tea Culture and Western Coffee Culture
As a traditional and national drink of Chinese people, tea has never stepped out of Chinese people’s daily life. China is the homeland of tea. Chinese tea has a history of over 5,000 years, during which a series of unique tea culture e into being. For Chinese people, tea is not only a necessity in their life, but also a symbol of the spiritual civilization of Chinese society.
Coffee, like tea in China, is also a necessary drink in western the west, there’s a joke saying: “If I’m not in the coffee house, I will be on the way to the coffee house.” Westerners’ love for coffee has its own cultural background. Coffee also acts as a representative of western living pattern.
Tea is to Chinese people what coffee is to westerners. They are not simply two kinds of popular drink, but also signs of two different cultures,that is, Chinese culture and western essence of tea culture is closely related to the values and thinking pattern of Chinese. Similarly, the spirit of coffee culture could not be parted from the western values and ways of thinking. The concept of tea in China varies from area to area, meanwhile, the habit of drinking coffee in the w