The rapid development of the domestic vehicle market, saloon car is an important tendency of vehicle. However, with increasing of vehicle, security issues are arising from increasingly attracting attention, the braking system is one of important system of active safety. Therefore, how to design a high-performance braking system, to provide protection for safe driving is the main problem we must solve. In addition, with petition of vehicle market, how to shorten the product development cycle, to improve design efficiency and to lower costs, to improve the petitiveness of products, and has e a key to ess of enterprises.
This paper mainly introduces the design of braking system of the santana2000 type of car. Fist of all, braking system’s development, structure and category are shown, and according to the structures, virtues and weakness of drum brake and disc brake, analysis is done. At last, the plan adopting hydroid two-backway brake with front disc and rear drum. Besides, this paper also introduces the designing process of front brake and rear brake, braking cylinder, parameter’s choice of ponents braking and channel settings.
Key words: braking; brake drum; brake disc; hydroid pressure
第1章绪论 1
制动系统设计的意义 1
制动系统研究现状 1
本次制动系统应达到的目标 2
本次制动系统设计要求 2
第2章制动系统方案论证分析与选择 3
制动器形式方案分析 3
鼓式制动器 3
盘式制动器 5
制动驱动机构的结构形式选择 6
简单制动系 6
动力制动系 7
伺服制动系 8
液压分路系统的形式的选择 8
II型回路 8
X型回路 9
其他类型回路 9
液压制动主缸的设计方案 9
第3章制动系统设计计算 11
制动系统主要参数数值 11
相关主要技术参数 11
同步附着系数的分析 11
制动器有关计算 12
确定前后轴制动力矩分配系数β 12