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文档介绍:Part I: The gods in mythology (众神)
1. The origin of the gods (众神的起源)
2. The Olympian Gods (奥林匹斯诸神)
3. The Titans and other gods and goddesses (提坦巨神与其他次要神祗)
Athena and Arachne
Demeter (Ceres)
Hestia (Vesta)
Hermes (Mercury)
Apollo and Daphne
The Muses and the Graces
Hades (Pluto普鲁托)
Hades (哈得斯), the god of the dead and the ruler of the Underworld, was generally considered a fierce and pitiless god, unmoved by any prayer or sacrifice, but he was not evil.
The underworld itself was often called Hades, which the Greeks believed was beneath the earth, a place for the souls of people who deserved neither punishment nor reward when they died.
Though it was not especially a painful place, the dead led a dull, gloomy and unhappy life there.
The deeper part of the underworld, called Tartarus, was a place for punishment, where the Titans and other enemies of the gods suffered eternal torment.
Soon after people died, their souls had to pass through Erebus(阴阳交接的黑暗界), a place plete darkness, on their way to Hades.
The Underworld
The world of the dead was seperated from that of the living by a number of rivers, with Styx (斯梯克斯河,冥河) best-known.
To cross it, a soul had to be ferried by Charon (冥府渡神), an old boat-man, who demanded payment, therefore, the Greeks placed coins in the mouths of their dead before burying them.
The entrance of Hades was guarded by Cerberus, the watchdog with three heads and a tail of dragon, to prevent any of the dead from going out again.
Arriving in the underworld, each soul was assigned to its eternal home by one of the three judges – Aeacus, Minos, or Rhadamnthys.
The souls of those who had led virtuous lives went to an imaginary island called Elysium (极乐世界), where they enjoyed perfect happiness after death.
1. Hades常用做hell的委婉语
2. Styx (冥河):
Stygian: 如冥河般幽暗的,阴森森的
cross the Styx: 渡过冥河,死亡
3. Elysium常指极乐世界,完美的幸福,天堂般的生活
Elysian: 极乐的,无比幸福的
4. pomegranate seeds 石榴籽
Dionysus (hus 巴克斯)
He is frequently represented in a chariot dra