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文档介绍:生活大爆炸S04E03句库注释excel 版
All right, I'm ready for my next question. 好的我准备好答下道题目了
In a world where rhinoceroses are domesticated pets,who wins the Second World War? 在一个犀牛被当宠物养的世界中谁将赢得第二次世界大战
Uganda. 乌干达
Kenya rises to power on the export of rhinoceroses 肯尼亚会因出口犀牛而崛起 rise to power :掌权;on, (表示为某事物的基础﹑根据或理由)由於, 因为
A Central African power block is formed,colonizing North Africa and Europe. 在中非成为一个强大的政权并殖民统治北非和欧洲
When war breaks out, no one can afford the luxury of a withers, Uganda triumphs. 战争爆发后谁也负担不起养犀牛的这份奢侈肯尼亚衰落乌干达雄起
In a world where a piano is a weapon, not a musical instrument,on what does Scott Joplin play "The Maple Leaf Rag"? 在一个钢琴被当做武器而不是乐器的世界中斯科特·乔普林会用什么来演奏《枫叶爵士》 Scott Joplin (1868 - 1917)是美国作曲家和钢琴家,也是历史上不多见的黑人音乐家,on. 藉助於, 靠, 用(某事物)
Tuned s. 调谐*** tuned [tju:nd] adj. 调谐的, 已调谐的;[ˈbeiənit]n.*** ***刺
Isn't it obvious? 理由不是显而易见吗
What the hell are you guys playing? 你们俩在玩什么鬼游戏呢
It's a game we invented. 这是我们发明的一个游戏
It's called Counterfactuals. 我们称它为"反事实游戏" counter :对抗;factual :事实上(adj)
We postulate an alternate world that differs from ours in one key aspect and then pose questions to each other. 我们假定一个在某关键方面不同于这里的世界然后互相就此发问 postulate [ˈpɔstjuleit] ,要求;pose +difficulty/problem/question 引起(提出)困难、问题
It's fun for ages eight to 80. 本游戏适合8至80岁人士
I like a good brainteaser. 我也喜欢脑筋急转弯 brainteaser [':zə] n. 难题, 脑筋急转弯
Give it a whirl. 我来试试吧试试某事物(看是否恰当﹑合意等)(俚语)
You're in luck, this is an easy one. 你走运了这道简单 be in luck 运气好
In a world where mankind is ruled by a giant intelligent beaver,what food is no longer consumed? 在一个人类被高智商巨形海狸统治的世界中哪种食物再也吃不到了 beaver [ˈbi:və]
Uh... a BLT where the "B" stands for beaver? BLT[培根生菜番茄三明治]吗其中B代表海狸 stand for为某事物的缩略形式
We're playing a game here. 我们在玩游戏呢
I can figure this out. Let's see. 我能答出来的让我想想
Um, well, beavers eat tree bark. 海狸以树皮喂食 bark [bɑ:k]vi.(狗等)吠,叫 ,叫声;树皮。
The only tree bark I know that humans consume is , I'll say cinnamon. 我唯一了解的人类用得着树皮的食物是肉桂所以我说是肉桂 cinnamon n. 肉桂 consum