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文档介绍:Introduction to Wireless works
Instructor: Songwu Lu
Office: 401A, School of Software Engineering
Lectures: 6:30-9:00pm Monday; 7:50-9:25am, Wednesday
office hours: 1:30-2:30pm Tuesday & Wednesday, 401A
What this course is about...
Design guidelines, lessons learned
work systems
Applications, OS, query, storage, …
working protocols
MAC, data dissemination, transport, topology control
My Info
Got my . degree from USTC in 1990
MS & PhD in 1996 & 1999 from UIUC
Joined puter Science Department in 1999
Currently associate professor
Research Interests:
working, network security, works, mobile systems
Teaching Interests:
working, mobile systems, works, puting, , network security
My Experience
Industrial experiences:
Consulting at panies, 1 research lab
Working for 3 years in Shenzhen
1 US patent, 5 pending US patents
5 graduated (3 USTCers)
2 IBM . Research Center, 1 at NEC Lab, 1 at T-Lab in Germany
1 as an assistant professor at UIUC
Professional services:
TCP co-chair for ’05
mittees of numerous conferences including , mobisys, mobihoc, , icnp, wcnc, …
Editorship for 3 journals
Tentative Schedule
11/6: Overview, Applications
11/8: Query, Storage
11/13: Operating systems
11/15: Wireless link characteristics, MAC protocol
11/20: Data dissemination protocol
11/22: Topology control, Naming
11/27: Transport protocol, ZigBee Standard
11/29: Security
Midterm exam: 12/1
Course project report: 12/3 (phase 1) & 1/5 (phase 2)
The Course Description
No required textbook for this course, only a set of recent papers
Read and discuss
your class participation counts
practice what you have learned
do a term project
make your contributions
Medium workload expected
You are mended to be prepared for the lecture by reading a paper beforehand
basic knowledge of packet works & familiarity with TCP/IP protocol suite
adequate knowledge of operating systems and database is helpful (but not required)


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