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文档介绍:John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
J R R Tolkien was born on January 3rd lived in a poor family and became an orphan(孤儿) at the age of 12. In 1911 he entered Oxford University to ancient (古老的)Germanic (日耳曼)languages, English, Welsh and Gothic(哥特式).
During the World War I ,he went to France to join the battle (战争)and then was sent back because of illness. Then he worked as a teacher in Oxford University and Leeds University(利兹大学).
In 1937,he published the novel <The Hobbit>,and he spent 16 years to finish the magical novel <great rings trilogy> ,which was a great ess.
He died in September 1973 ,buried (埋葬)in Oxford crime-wave.
The film <The Lord of the Rings> is directed(指导) by Peter Jackson , who has made another famous film <King
This movie is based on a fantasy novel wrote by J· R · R · Tolkien in 1937. This film have a total of three series , The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Desolation of Smaug and There and Back Again.
The story is about the group of Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) and the 13 dwarfs(矮人), led by Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) and the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen), to win back the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor(孤山王国).In this journey(旅行), the group fighting giant spiders(蜘蛛), orcs(半兽人), and the biggest villain(大反派), Smaug, the dragon. Can they win back their country? We should wait the third part of the trilogy (三部曲)<The Hobbit: There and Back Again>.
Main character
This is the wizard. Two of them heip the the wizard girl even fell in love with a dwarf.
《The Lord of the Rings》, a film adapted from a magical novel <The Hobbit>, is written by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien