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文档介绍:Height Gage Usage高度尺使用
Height Gage Usage 高度尺的使用
Height Gage
Digital Height Gage
Height Gage Usage 高度尺的使用
First check for the validity of the calibration date on the Height gage. If the calibration date is overdue, report it to your supervisor and hold up in the gage .
Check for external damages on the instrument. (. chip-offs, corrosions, knocks). If any damages were to be found, do not use the instrument anymore. Report it to your supervisor immediately.
使用前检查仪器是否有表面损伤。如有任何损伤,请立即汇报给你的主管, 不要再继续使用。
When using the instrument, check that the dial pin is free from dirt/oil and ensure that the surface (. table top) that it sits on is flat and clean. Ensure the base of the part is also clean and flat.
使用时,确保刻度盘针没油污, 放置高度尺的平面平坦和干净, 零件低面也要保证平坦和干净
Height Gage Usage 高度尺的使用
Check for zero-error. Use a reference point (. table top) as the zero point.
(例如: 桌面) 为零点.
When using the dial gauge to set zero point, exert a little pressure at the pin to ensure contact. Similarly, when measuring the height of an object, some pressure is required.
设零点时,, 测零件的高度时也要求有一定的压力
The accuracy of the Height Gauge is at  – . So the measured part’s tolerance has to be about 10 times more than this range. (.  -)
高度尺本身的精确度值为 – .(例子:  0.


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