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文档介绍:T2: Standards Analysis of documentary evidence
You will submit this document 4 times. Make sure that any additions or amendments for each submission date are clearly indicated . by using a different colour or font
Trainee Name:
Submission 1 date:
Submission 2 date:
Submission 3 date:
Submission 4 date:
Standard 1: Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge all children
Standard 1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge all children.
Analysis of documentary evidence:
Clearly indicate the title of the document and provide an analysis in up to 100 words on why it provides good evidence.
Age group
Date seen by tutor

Establish and sustain a safe and stimulating environment where children feel confident and are able to learn and develop.

Set goals that stretch and challenge children of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions.

Demonstrate and model the positive values, attitudes and behaviours expected of children.
Standard 2: Promote good progress and es by children
Standard 2. Promote good progress and es by children.
Analysis of documentary evidence:
Clearly indicate the title of the document and provide an analysis in up to 100 words on why it provides good evidence.
Age group
Date seen by tutor

Be accountable for children’s progress, attainment and es.

Demonstrate kno


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