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文档介绍:No matter how busy have you a cup of coffee
pany invented in 1938 , the world's first cup of instant coffee , Nescafe and named by the love of many people in the West . It sold in China began in the 1980s , young, energetic urban consumers love Today , Nestle coffee has e the Chinese market, and even the world 's leading instant coffee brand higher visibility of the brand in the Chinese market has been formed . The Nescafe television advertising in China , in 1989 , " tastes great " classic slogan household . Nescafe Red Cup has e the fashion, trend, or a romantic pronouns。
The origin of Nescafe
Nestle with their own name for the brand name, but its name in English but "comfortable settled meaning of " and " snuggle" . The specific meaning of its name , naturally with the English the same root , "Nestle" linked , Nestle pattern works as an icon , again reminiscent of Nestle products for babies, loving mothers and health and nutrition。
内斯特尔用自己的名字为品牌名称,但其英文名称的意思是“舒适安顿下来”和“依偎”。其名称的具体含义,自然与英语同根生, “雀巢”挂钩,以雀巢作为一个图标,又让人联想到婴儿,母亲和保健营养的雀巢产品
"Nestle" means "little bird's nest", the warm nest as a sign of Nestle, consumers familiar with and the affection, it represents the Nestle's idea: love, security, natural, nutrition. As the world's biggest panies, nestle uphold the concept and principle, it is with the person this, take the quality as heavy, to the world of customers with high-quality food, bring the good life.
The coffee Class Products
Nescafe 1 +2
Nescafe 1 +2 espresso
Nescafe Ice 1 +2
Nestle Coffee Mate
Nestle Gold Medal coffee
Nestle Yunnan coffee gift box series
NESTLÉ Coffee Gift Box
Nestle coffee cup of installed
The Nescafe alcohol product 100 % pure coffee
Analysis of Nestle coffee products
Product performance : the selection of the finest quality coffee beans as the main raw material,


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