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上传人:miao19720107 2018/1/20 文件大小:93 KB




文档介绍:On application of Activities-based approach in English teaching

Abstract:In today's rapid economic development, and the impact of globalization on the world, English as a language munication has e an indispensable part of many of our official, governmental activities, documents, communication methods are the use of English;. Foreign trade also English as mon language, foreign exchange, international etiquette, letter correspondence, import and export documents, bank documents as well as the language and so on, all in English as mon language; higher education in most countries, universities have opened English language literature, only in China, there are more than one hundred universities in English or English with a relevant professional; computers and the , is built on the basis of English, the language of the industry, is in English. In this context, developing countries need to cultivate people who have capabilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing .Therefore, English teaching position is increasingly important in today's society, it is related to the students' English learning, and the use of English learning level of the whole society. Activities-based approach, with the center of activity, develop students' ability to use language munication skills for the purpose of the use of active teaching in English teaching, the use of language can provide a classroom environment for students to enhance their listening and speaking skills and self-learning ability, so as to improve students' English language proficiency. It makes Activities-based approach absorbed educators’ and psychologists’ more and more attention.
Key words:Activities-based approach, English teaching, knowledge; skill