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上传人:wangzhidaol 2018/1/20 文件大小:80 KB




文档介绍:The Effect of Memory in
College English Listening Teaching
The difficulties in listening
Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four basic skills in English learning. For a long time, the students in the school have learned "Dumb English". They have paid close attention to reading and writing, but ignore the training of listening and speaking ability. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to listening and speaking ability, which is reflected in the syllabus of College English teaching. In the reform of College English test four and grade six, the proportion of prehension has increased from the original level of 25% to the level of 35%. This is a higher performance requirement for college students' English proficiency, especially English petence. As a result, listening teaching has e one of the key points in College English teaching.
The current situation of teaching method
How to improve the teaching quality of English listening and help students lift their prehension abilities, e an urgent task for College English teachers. Teachers should realize that listening teaching should study it not only from the language and teaching
methods, but from the psychological linguistics theory to explore the law of psychological activities in the process of prehension, which may further improve the quality of English teaching, so as to really help students improve prehension. This paper discusses the teaching of English listening from the perspective of memory theory in psycholinguistics.
The Basis of prehension
The psychological basis of prehension
Listening is a process of actively recognizing and processing information, and it is also a creative process. Different listeners have different understanding of the same word or sentence. Psycholinguistics divides prehension into three modes: top-down processing, bottom-up processing, interactive processing. 1. Bottom-up processing is starting from the lowest level, up to a level develo


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