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教育类论文 中英对照.doc

上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2018/1/23 文件大小:148 KB


教育类论文 中英对照.doc


The analysis of the actuality of Chinese family education from the difference between Chinese and American family education
Abstract Family is the first school of one’s life,which is also the basis and essential supplement of formal speaking,family,as the smallest cell of society,is the first life step for everyone as we all were born and live in it,from which we enter a larger and wider field of social life. So as for everyone, family is the first school and parents are first teachers in it. Besides, family is closely linked to children’s body maturity, knowledge acquirement, ability cultivation, morality edification and character formation. And distinct differences can be found easily in family education between China and America, on the family member relationship, parents are dominant over children in China while equal in the USA, parents are more likely to show respect to children’s the belief of raising children, Chinese parents are unexceptional to hope their children to be outstanding without regard to their own quality while American parents pay more attention to improving children’s ability to survive and creat based on their own interest. On the way of education, Chinese parents will monopolise almost children’s everything that should be done by children while American parents are more willing to let children do everything all by themselves. Because of those above cause a great disparity in adapting changing environment after they grow up. Thus making it with significant reality f


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