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synpor强生 骨科 说明书.pdf

上传人:1557281760 2018/1/26 文件大小:838 KB


synpor强生 骨科 说明书.pdf


文档介绍:SynPOR. Synthes porous polyethylene
Technique Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction SynPOR 2
Clinical Applications 3
Indications and Contraindications 3
Product Options 4
Surgical Technique Handling 5
Sizing 6
Contouring 7
Implant Fixation 8
Product Information Implants 9
Image intensifier control
This description alone does not provide sufficient background for direct use of
the instrument set. Instruction by a surgeon experienced in handling these
instruments is highly mended.
Reprocessing, Care and Maintenance of
Synthes Instruments
For general guidelines, function control and dismantling of multi-part instruments,
please contact your local sales representative or refer to:
SynPOR Technique Guide Synthes 1
SynPOR. Synthes porous polyethylene
SynPOR implants are manufactured from an inert, nonab-
sorbable polymer formulated to contain work of open
and interconnecting pores approximately 100–250 μm in
size. These interconnected pores allow fibro vascular tissue
ingrowth and relative host incorporation, rather than host
encapsulation observed with smooth-surface implants1.
SynPOR implants are well suited for craniofacial reconstruc-
tion and augmentation. The implant’s porous structure
promotes tissue ingrowth and results in rapid integration and
– Porous structure supports tissue ingrowth
– Smooth implants have one barrier surface allowing tissue
ingrowth on only one side
– Nonabsorbable material
– Semi-rigid material is strong yet flexible
– Contourable and easily shapeable
– Implants may be fixated with screws, tacks, wire or suture
SynPOR implants are manufactured from ultra-high molecular
weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), which has a long history of
use as a surgical implant and meets the requirements of
ASTM standard2. In addition, SynPOR implants have passed
ISO standard tests for patibility3. Several
SynPOR designs also in


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