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上传人:夏风如歌 2015/5/10 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:Appreciation of Pride and Prejudice
When we talk about Pride and Prejudice, the famous sentence that “It is a truth universally, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife” always the first thing came up to my mind. It can be the scripture of the whole fiction. It is very interesting and with this sentence I came into the world of Jane Austen, or in the other words she came into my world, we sometimes share the same idea the different is that she use an irony way let us know the meaning of “family””love” and ” marriage”.
The Pride and Prejudice is a representative work of her. This fiction with social scenic style not only attracted vast readers long ago, but also brings with a unique artistic taste even by today. I always think about it how can a woman writer do such a great job. Things always have their reasons.
Jane Austen was born in Hampshire, a country priest family located in Hants, the village of Kingston, Sidemen in north England. She was a beautiful, talented middle class woman with extraordinary temperament and good cultivation. She was primarily educated at home, benefiting from her father’s extensive library and the schoolroom atmosphere created by Mr. Austen’s live-in pupils.  Her closest friend was her only sister, Cassandra, almost three years her senior.
Though Austen lived a quiet life, she had unusual access to the greate


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