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文档介绍:Environmental Drivers
Chronic Disease

Based on the report
Environmental Threats to
Healthy Aging

Jill Stein MD, Ted Schettler MD, MPH,
Maria Valenti and Ben Rohrer

Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility (ton)
The Science and Environmental work ()
What We Will Cover
Environmental factors are key drivers of mon chronic diseases
Environmental factors alter key biological pathways leading to chronic disease
Important environmental determinants of health include:
Food system/nutrition and diet
Toxic chemicals
Built environment / physical activity
Psychological & socioeconomic stress
Examples of cross cutting solutions for healthy people & a healthy environment
Scope & Context of the Problem
A century of change in natural, built and social environments has caused major changes in the patterns and distribution of diseases.
We are seeing dramatic increases in chronic diseases, and at younger ages, many of which, such as diabetes, are themselves risk factors for dementia.
The over- 65 population will nearly double by 2030 to more than 71 million, sharply increasing the number of people at risk of chronic diseases of aging like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, among others.
Environmental factors play a key role in health across the lifespan. Thus they offer a major prevention opportunity.
The Changing Environment and Disease Patterns
During the past century, human activity has altered virtually all aspects of the world’s ecosystems:
Pervasive spread of synthetic chemicals; air and water pollution.
Industrialized food supply.
Destruction of critical natural habitats, stressing ecosystems.
Climate change.
How we live, eat, work, play and socialize have substantially changed:
Built environments have increased social
isolation for many people; reduced
physical activity.
Growing e gap increases disease risk.
Diseases of civilization - obesity, diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, hypertension.
Environment Drives Ch


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