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第 8 卷第 3 期冷饮与速冻食品工业 Vol. 8 No. 3
2002 年 9 月 Beverage & Fast Frozen Food Industry Sep. ,2002
文章编号:1007 - 0818(2002) 03 - 0007 - 03
双酶- 化学联合法制备三氯蔗糖的探索
郑建仙, 高宪枫,袁尔东
(华南理工大学食品与生物工程学院,广东广州 510640)
摘要:蔗糖 6 乙酸酯(S 6 a) 的制备是双酶化学联合法合成三氯蔗糖的关键步骤。以葡萄糖为原料,经枯草杆
菌 megaterium 发酵生成葡萄糖 6 乙酸酯( G 6 a) ,再通过果糖基转移酶将蔗糖分子的果糖基转移至 G 6 a 上,即
得到专一的 S 6 a。详细讨论了 G 6 a 的发酵过程及 S 6 a 的酶法合成过程,并指出此法的优缺点。
关键词:双酶化学联合法;蔗糖 6 乙酸酯(S 6 a) ;葡萄糖 6 乙酸酯( G 6 a)
Exploration into How to Extract Sucralose Through
Di Enzymatic Chemico Synthesis
ZHAN Jian xian , GAO Xian fong , YUN Er dong
(School of Food and Biotechnology ,South China University of Technology , Guangzhou 510641 ,China)
Abstract :The synthesis of sucrose 6 acetate (S 6 a) is the key step in the synthesis of sucralose through di enzymatic
chemico method. Glucose is fermented to glucose 6 acetate ( G 6 a) by Bacillus megaterium . Then fructose is trans
ferred to G 6 a by fructosyl transferase ,in which S 6 a is the unique product. The processes of G 6 a fermentation and
S 6 a enzymatic synthesis were discussed in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of the method were also pointed
Keywords :di enzymatic chemico synthesis ;sucrose