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中国石化集团公司安全管理手册解读2016版 图文.ppt

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中国石化集团公司安全管理手册解读2016版 图文.ppt



文档介绍:1007-4619( 2013) 04-0959-11 Journal of Remote Sensing 遥感学报
Retrieval of haze aerosol optical depth based on high
spatial D of HJ-1
1 2 , 1 , 1 , 1
ZHANG Yuhuan LI Zhengqiang HOU Weizhen XU hua
1. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Satellites Remote Sensing Institute of Remote Sensing and
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Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100101 China
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2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China

Abstract Haze pollution es more and more frequent in urban regions of China. Compared to ground based measurement ap-
proaches satellite remote sensing can obtain observation of haze in wide areas and monitor their distribution and intensity. The Chi-
nese environmental satellites of HJ-1A and HJ-1B play important roles in atmosphere monitoring due to their high spatial r esolution
high temporal resolution and wide swath. In this paper aerosol optical depth during haze in January 2013 is retrieved u sing HJ-1
CCD blue and green bands based on the assumption of stable surface reflectance in a short period. Applications of HJ-D haze
monitoring are also evaluated and feasibility and advantages of the high-resolution satellite are analyzed.
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Key words high spatial resolution aerosol optical depth Beijing haze HJ-D

CLC number TP751 Document code A
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Citation format Zhang Y H Li Z Q Hou W Z and Xu H. 2013. Retrieval of haze aerosol optical depth based on high spatial resolu-
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D of HJ-1. Journal of Remote Sensing 1 7 4 959 - 969 DOI 10. 11834 /jrs. 20133062
1 INTRODUCTION Environmental protection departments concern mainly about
the concentration of respirable particulate matters and polluting
Haze is an aerosol system which consists of atmospheric par- gases such as NO2 and SO2 which affect the air quality near
ticles such as soot and dust in specific humidity and temperature. ground surface in haze days. The monitoring near ground in a


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