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年级类别: 09级全日制研究生
学科专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
学号: 0905180233
姓名: 韩璐
课程名称: 研究方法与论文写作
授课教师: 李文中
考试时间: 2011年1 月6日
An Evaluation of PEP New Senior English for China
1. Research motivation
It is well-known that foreign language teaching materials play an important role in reforming foreign language teaching. A suitable textbook can guarantee to implement the teaching syllabus, complete the teaching contents and achieve the teaching goals. No teaching-learning situation pleted until it has its relevant textbook. With the development of foreign language teaching and the reform of curriculum on elementary education, more and more foreign language teaching textbooks e into the market. Under such circumstance, it is very necessary to analyze and evaluate these various textbooks scientifically and appropriately in order to make reasonable decisions in selecting them.
The new Senior English for China (Revised SEFC), was essfully revised by the People’ Education Press and began to be used throughout the country from the autumn semester of 2003. And the whole set pleted in 2006. As for a textbook newly published and widely used, timely evaluation of SEFC is in need since it can provide some feedback that may be helpful for its revision and better implementation.
2. Research questions
The present study aims to evaluate and investigate SEFC2003 on the basis o