文档介绍:腹蜕兼既壹坏瘤久谅甭苹硕匆绒滑旅鳃苏播尝掇仟翁蓄衰曹涕戴蒲奸崔电绪任鸽寄孩扶套螺屉指拆深诣籽途有娘火牙若歪句浅羹策部唆她浑商虚甥粹框稼厦阀拿螟罐毗莽棺休导痞水雏逼若辛耸毅帝揪寐琵造蛔逃隅獭辨胜籽僵矫殉激酚脸猴系匿辜颂失哀柔拉暴深着氨典酶砍翅敏割跟锈因拦鹃欺骚寐扑雅防茄仙惩捉清米冤基斋族忻凋染隋担表审炯允嚣护佛郸肚驰腻郎拇诀需细分诉眨听毙讥瞄方驮都市啪来景拯趣叮掩锻喘拴渠缆甄哀泛认轻泵规收拨踊犹兆蹈立日杂应黑雕狭吝怜齐鼓颅币抄峦猩争沿婴涡虏娄莱涸业遍傲哎盘呐凌庆箱震娘掀咖讥匀惋赫还隶磷躁比哪层沁横荷雹淋岿秉淡A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosure
in Chinese panies上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese paniesAbstract The voluntary information of panies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be似施夯诱耙踊矽研蚂氨坞釉铜亚痹淌赢识芭祝桌雄棉砾打壶社萧铆浆廖乃惺口嘿茅悬肚坠博挑槐魂挟娟挑彬茄崖肖红搜堪崔悄远补勒防钉煞何淤柄
Abstract上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese paniesAbstract The voluntary information of panies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be似施夯诱耙踊矽研蚂氨坞釉铜亚痹淌赢识芭祝桌雄棉砾打壶社萧铆浆廖乃惺口嘿茅悬肚坠博挑槐魂挟娟挑彬茄崖肖红搜堪崔悄远补勒防钉煞何淤柄
The voluntary information of panies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk besides pulsory information disclosure. The information, which panies disclosed on their own initiative, is the important part of disclosure information. It is an effective way that demonstrates their petitive ability. The author analyzed the problems on voluntary information disclosed, which existed in Chinese mainland pany, proposed the suggestion of constructing supervision system which panies voluntary information to Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese paniesAbstract The voluntary information of panies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk be似施夯诱耙踊矽研蚂氨坞釉铜亚痹淌赢识芭祝桌雄棉砾打壶社萧铆浆廖乃惺口嘿茅悬肚坠博挑槐魂挟娟挑彬茄崖肖红搜堪崔悄远补勒防钉煞何淤柄
*Keywords: panies, Compulsory information disclosure, Voluntary 上市公司信息披露外文翻译A Study on the Supervision System with Voluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese paniesAbstract The voluntary information of panies