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德意志银行 私人银行业务.pdf

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德意志银行 私人银行业务.pdf


文档介绍:Citigroup Smith Barney -
Swiss Private Banking Roundtable
Zurich, 11 July 2005
Pierre de Weck
Global Head of Private Wealth Management
Member of the Group mittee
1 PWM in context
2 Global business model
3 Track record and outlook
Investor Relations 07/05 - 2
1 PWM in context
2 Global business model
3 Track record and outlook
Investor Relations 07/05 - 3
One of Deutsche Bank’s five core businesses
Private Private &
Global Global Asset
Wealth Business
Markets Banking Management
Management Clients
PWM Mission Statement
“To be the lead trusted advisor for wealthy individuals,
their families and select individuals worldwide”
„ Top tier global franchise
„ EUR 143 bn invested assets*
„ More than 70,000 clients covered through 3,000 staff in 80 locations*
Strong fit with DB Group’s business portfolio
„ Stable annuity franchise business with high PE ratio
„ Low equity requirements
„ Connectivity / cross-selling the group
* As of 31 December 2004
Investor Relations 07/05 - 4
PWM offers access to Deutsche Bank's global know-how
Group Invested Assets
Real Estate Funds of EUR 901 bn *
EUR 42 bn Absolute Return Strategies
Invested Assets* EUR 6 bn Invested Assets* Best Bank Overall
IFR - Bank of the Year Euromoney
2003 2000, 2001, 2002
Derivatives House
of the Year World’s Best FX House
IFR Dec 2004, Risk June 2005 Euromoney May 2005
Credit Derivatives House client Equity Derivatives
of the Year Research
Risk, IFR Institutional Investor Dec 2004
Dec 2004 -Jan 2005
No. 1 Portfolio Trading World’s Best High-Grade
in Europe and in the US Debt House
All investment grade
Institutional Investor Jan 2005 Euromoney July 2005
Bonds in Euros
Thomson, March 2005
* as of 31 Dec 2004
Sources: External Rankings
Investor Relations 07/05 - 5
PWM with attractive position among global peers
Private Banking industry ranking
Invested assets as of