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文档介绍:Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences
60 Edited by Peter Fulde
Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences
Editors: M. Cardona P. Fulde K. von Klitzing H.-J. Queisser
40 Semiconductor Physics An Introduction 54 ic Excitations and Fluctuations
3rd Edition By K. Seeger Editors: S. Lovesey, U. Balucani, F. Borsa,
41 The LMTO Method and V. ti
Muffin-Tin Orbitals and Electronic
Structure 55 The Theory of ism II
By H. L. Skriver Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
42 Crystal Optics with Spatial Dispersion, By D. C. Mattis
and Excitons
56 Spin Fluctuations in Itinerant Electron
By V. M. Agranovich and V. L. Ginzburg
ism By T. Moriya
43 Resonant Nonlinear Interactions of
Light with Matter 57 Polycrystalline Semiconductors,
By V. S. Butylkin, A. E. Kaplan, Physical Properties and Applications
Yu. G. Khronopulo, and E. I. Yakubovich Editor: G. Harbeke
44 Elastic Media with Microstructure II
Three-Dimensional Models 58 The Recursion Method and
By 1. A. Kunin Its Applications
45 Electronic Properties of Doped Editors: D. Pettifor and D. Weaire
By B.!. Shklovskii and A. L. Efros 59 Dynamical Processes and
46 Topological Disorder in Condensed Matter Ordering on Solid Surfaces
Editors: F. Yonezawa and T. Ninomiya Editors: A. Yoshimori and M. Tsukada
47 Statics and Dynamics of Nonlinear 60 Excitonic Processes in Solids
Systems By M. Ueta, H. Kanzaki, K. Kobayashi,
Editors: G. Benedek, H. Bilz, Y. Toyozawa, and E. Hanamura
and R. Zeyher
48 ic Phase Transitions 61 Localization, Interaction, and
Editors: M. Ausloos and R. J. Elliott Transport Phenomena
anic Molecular Aggregates, Electronic Editors: B. Kramer, G. Bergmann,
Excitation and Interaction Processes and Y. Bruynseraede
Editors: P. Reineker, H. Haken,
and . Wolf 62 Theory of Heavy Fermions
50 Multiple Diffraction of X-Rays in Crystals and Valence Fluctuations
By Shih-Lin Chang Editors: T. Kasuya an


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