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文档介绍:The Summer Resort of Chengde
The Imperial Summer Resort of Chengde, located in Chengde City Hebei Province, is the largest imperial garden in modern China. It covers a total area of 564 square kilometers, and is twice as large as the Summer Palace in Beijing. In the Qing Dynasty, it took 89 years (1703 ~ 1792) plete. The emperors Kangxi and then Qianlong were in charge of this project.
The Summer Resort can be divided into two parts : the palace area and the garden area .The latter can be further divided into three parts : the lake , plains and mountain areas .
The palace area is located in the southern part of the Summer Resort , and it includes Zhenggong ( Front Palace ) , Songhezhai ( Pine-Crane Hall ) , Wanhesongfeng ( Whispering Pine Valley ) and Donggong ( Eastern Palace )
The designer of the garden made full use of the natural scenery , the traditional park design methods of the Tang , Song and Ming Dynasties and those of southern China , thus improving the art and skill of garden designing . Within the Summer Resort there are 72 scenic spots named by Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong .
Kangxi‘s 36 scenic spots:
1、烟波致爽 2、芝径云堤 3、无暑清凉 4、延薰山馆
5、水芳岩秀 6、万壑松风 7、松鹤清樾 8、云山胜地
9、四面云山 10、北枕双峰 11、西岭晨霞 12、锤峰落照
13、南山积雪 14、梨花伴月 15、曲水荷香 16、风泉清听
17、濠濮间想 18、天宇咸畅 19、暖流暄波 20、泉源石壁
21、青枫绿屿 22、莺啭乔木 23、香远益清 24、金莲映日
25、远近泉声 26、云帆月舫 27、芳渚临流 28、云容水态
29、澄泉绕石 30、澄波叠翠 31、石矶观鱼 32、镜水云岑
33、双湖夹镜 34、长虹饮练 35、甫田丛越 36、水流云在
Qianlong‘s 36 scenic spots:
1、丽正门 2、勤政殿 3、松鹤斋 4、如意湖
6、绮望楼 5、青雀舫 7、驯鹿坡 8、水心榭
9、颐志堂 10、畅远台 11、静好堂 12、冷香亭
13、采菱渡 14、观莲所 15、清晖亭 16、般若相
17、沧浪屿 18、一片云 19、萍香泮 20、万树园
21、试马埭 22、嘉树轩 23、乐成阁 24、宿云檐
25、澄观斋 26、翠云岩 27、罨画窗 28、凌太虚
29、千尺雪 30、宁静斋 31、玉琴轩 32、临芳墅
33、知鱼矶 34、涌翠岩 35、素尚斋 36、永恬居
The Garden Area
Lake Zone
Zhijingyunti(芝径云堤) is patterned after the Sudi and Baidi dikes on the West Lake in Hangzhou. Sandwiched by waters,the causeway zigzags,resembling Chinese “芝”, so Emperor Kangxi gave the name.


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