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上传人:1136365664 2018/2/20 文件大小:124 KB




China's mold industry and its development trend
The mold is the manufacturing industry important craft foundation, in our country, the mold manufacture belongs to the special purpose equipment manufacturing industry. China although very already starts to make the mold and the use mold, but long-term has not formed the industry. Straight stabs 0 centuries 80's later periods, the Chinese mold industry only then drives into the development speedway. Recent years, not only the state-owned mold enterprise had the very big development, the three investments enterprise, the villages and towns individual the mold enterprise's development also quite rapid .
Although the Chinese mold industrial development rapid, pares with the demand, obviously falls short of demand, its main gap concentrates precisely to, large-plex, the long life mold domain. As a result of in aspect and so on mold precision, life, manufacture cycle and productivity, China and the international average horizontal and the developed country still had a bigger disparity, therefore, needed massively to import the mold every year .
The Chinese mold industry except must continue to sharpen the productivity, from now on will have emphatically to the profession internal structure adjustment and the state-of-art enhancement. The structure adjustment aspect, mainly is the enterprise structure to the specialized adjustment, the product structure to center the upscale mold development, to the import and export structure improvement, center the upscale automobile cover mold forming analysis and the structure improvement, the multi-pound mold and pound processing and the laser technology in the mold design manufacture application, the high-speed cutting, the superfinishing and polished the technology, the information direction develops .
The recent years, the mold profession structure adjustment and anizational reform step enlarges, mainly displayed in, large-scal


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