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浅析绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响 外文翻译(已处理).doc

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浅析绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响 外文翻译(已处理).doc

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浅析绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响 外文翻译(已处理).doc




学号 200518240113 年级 2005级专业工商管理
系(院) 商学院指导教师李四


Analysis of the impact of green barriers on China's exports of agricultural products
From: Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2005, 2

In recent years, the environment-protection in international trade inclines to be stronger and stronger, the new developing non-tariff trade barriers such as the anic trade barrier have e certain rationality, disguise and technology under the title of environmental protection, and e the effective weapon of trade protectionism more and more. It has already formed the difficult door hank for us through the swift and violent development in a few years, assaulting the export of our agricultural products seriously. Whether we could cross this green protective screen e the key problem for the continuous and constant development of our agricultural products export under the new situation of China's accession to the WTO.
, Characteristics and Formulation of Green Barrier
Implication of the green barrier
The meaning of trade barrier includes tariff barrier and non-tariff trade barriers, and the technological barrier is the main form of non-tariff trade barriers. With the constant development of TBTTechnical barriers to trade,the green barrier has already e the ponent of barrier is a kind of neutral barrierNormal green barrier means to take rational measure of trade actually to protect environment legally. And the rational green barrier means that the importer implement import restrictions on ecological environment protection, natural environment, the health animals and plants. Up to now, it has already permeated through planning from the initial raw materials of products to each link, such as production procedure, packing and selling, consumer’s usage and scrap and dealing, etcProgressively. It stipulates according to r