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文档介绍:SECION 2
Bank notes银行券
A banknote (often known as a bill, paper money or simply a note) is a kind of negotiable instrument, a promissory note made by a bank payable to the bearer on demand, used as money, and in many jurisdictions is legal tender. Along with coins, banknotes make up the cash or bearer forms of all modern fiat money.
With the exception of non-circulating high-value or precious memorative issues, coins are used for lower valued ary units, while banknotes are used for higher values. However some coins may have a significant value depending on the condition and worth.
Barter 以物易物,物物交换
exchange goods(property and etc.)for other goods (property and etc.)
barter wheat for oil 用小麦交换原油
barter with sb. forsth. 向某人交换某物
barter away one’s rights (honor, freedom) 为某人的利益出卖自己的权利(名誉、自由)
barter agreement 易货协定
barter system 易货贸易制
barter arrangement 易货安排
barter transaction 易货交易
barter trade 易货贸易
barter exchange 易货交易
barter business 易货业务
Certain goods with a ready market随时可以卖出的商品
A ready market should be a market situation in which certain goods are well sold. In other words it is not difficult to sell the goods any time in any volume.
When some goods have a ready market they are in possession of a general acceptability. That means all people believe that the goods could be traded whenever with whatever goods.
Usually such goods with a ready market were used as the medium of exchanges in the early time.
Commodity money商品货币
Commodity money is the earliest form of money which has an intrinsic value, meaning it is worth something in its own right rather than simply being a token of financial value such as a banknote.
Examples modities that have been used as mediums of exchange include corn, cattle, gold, silver, shells, salt, and any other modity with a ready market in different nations and different historical periods.
The best known form modity money is gold or silver coins, though modity can fulfill this role.
Double coincidence of wants双边一


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