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文档介绍:该【初中英语新手型与专家型教师的课堂话语互动性特征的对比研究 】是由【wz_198613】上传分享,文档一共【3】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【初中英语新手型与专家型教师的课堂话语互动性特征的对比研究 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。初中英语新手型与专家型教师的课堂话语互动性特征的对比研究
Title: A Comparative Study on the Interactive Features of Classroom Discourse between Novice and Expert Teacher Profiles in Junior High School English Education
Effective classroom discourse plays a crucial role in facilitating students' language learning and acquisition. Within the context of English education in junior high schools, it is important to explore the interactive features of classroom discourse between two different types of teachers - novices and experts. This study aims to compare and analyze the discourse characteristics of novice and expert teachers, shedding light on the implications for classroom practices and teacher development.
Obstacles Faced by Novice and Expert Teachers:
Novice teachers, due to their lack of experience and limited knowledge, often encounter certain obstacles in engaging students in meaningful classroom discourse. These may include a lack of confidence in their language abilities, insufficient pedagogical knowledge, and limited teaching techniques. In contrast, expert teachers possess a wealth of experience, comprehensive knowledge, and advanced teaching strategies, enabling them to effectively engage students in interactive discourse.
Interactive Features of Novice Teachers:
1. Questioning Techniques: Novice teachers often rely on closed-ended questions that require simple answers, leading to limited student participation. They generally ask questions to assess students' comprehension rather than promoting critical thinking or extending discussions.
2. Teacher-Centered Discussion: Novice teachers tend to dominate the classroom discussion, providing students with limited opportunities to express their thoughts or engage in collaborative dialogue.
3. Teacher-Student Interaction: Novices often maintain a distant relationship with students, failing to establish a supportive classroom environment that encourages open dialogue.
Interactive Features of Expert Teachers:
1. Open-Ended Questions: Expert teachers employ a wide range of open-ended questions, encouraging students to articulate complex thoughts and engage in critical thinking. These questions promote deeper comprehension and foster student-centered discussions.
2. Student-Centered Approach: Expert teachers create a student-centered learning environment that recognizes and values students' contributions. They actively support and guide students in collaborating with their peers, fostering interactive and cooperative discourse.
3. Teacher-Student Rapport: Expert teachers establish positive teacher-student relationships, building trust and rapport. This allows students to feel comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions, promoting a more interactive and meaningful classroom discourse.
Implications for Classroom Practices:
The findings from this study suggest several strategies to enhance novice teachers' classroom discourse and promote their development:
1. Professional Development: Novice teachers should be provided with continuous professional development opportunities to enhance their pedagogical knowledge, teaching techniques, and language proficiency.
2. Pedagogical Support: Mentorship programs and collaborative teaching experiences can be implemented to provide novice teachers with guidance from expert educators.
3. Reflective Practice: Novice teachers should engage in regular self-reflection and analysis of their classroom discourse, identifying areas for improvement and seeking constructive feedback.
4. Classroom Environment: Creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment is essential for engaging students in interactive discourse. Novice teachers should strive to establish rapport and build supportive relationships with students.
The interactive features of classroom discourse significantly vary between novice and expert teachers in junior high school English education. Novice teachers often face challenges in engaging students, whereas expert teachers exhibit effective questioning techniques, promote student-centered approaches, and establish positive teacher-student relationships. The implications for classroom practices outlined in this study can contribute to the professional development of novice teachers and ultimately enhance the overall learning experience for students.