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Internships are invaluable learning experiences for college students -- and almost a necessity for any college graduate. Employers are demanding that college grads have "real world" experience, and internships are one of the best ways for college students to get that experience.
So how do you find your ideal internship? It's a three-step process: Determine Your Internship Goals, Prepare/Polish Your Job Search Skills, and Find/Track Down Internship Sources.
How to Find Your Ideal Internship
Determine Your Internship Goals Before you can even start thinking about finding an internship, you need to spend time reflecting on your goals for obtaining an internship. Consider these questions:
What are your specific career interests? 
Why do you want an internship -- and what do you hope to gain from it?
What type of organization are you interested in?
What industry would be best for your needs?
Where do you want to have your internship? 
Do you want college credit for the internship? 
Will you consider both paid and nonpaid internships?
Prepare/Polish Your Job Search Skills As internships become more and more competitive, it becomes even more important for you to have a strong set of job-search skills.
We recommend you spend some time polishing these skills:
Cover letter writing
Resume preparation
Interviewing strategies
Find/Track Down Internship Sources
Okay. If you've gotten this far, it's now time to find that ideal internship that perfectly fits all your goals and needs. So, where do you find internships? Try these resources:
Career Services Office. 
Major/Minor Department.
Networking Sources.
Internship and Career Fairs.
Alumni Office.
Company Websites. 
Internship Websites
Books and Periodicals
Final Words of Advice After you've found several internship possibilities and applied to them, your work is not done. Just as with job-hunting, you must follow-up with each company. Don't call the companies every day, but be persistent. The old adage about the squeaky wheel getting the grease rings true here. Follow-up your initial contact with a phone call, follow-up your interview with a thank-you letter, and follow-up your thank you letter with a phone call.
Finally, before you start your internship make sure you read our article,Making the Most of Your Internship(s)
The internship interview is both an opportunity to highlight your suitability for the internship job and an opportunity for you to assess if there is a good fit between the internship and your career and learning goals.
Internship Interview Tips

The interview is your first face-to-face contact with the organization you want to intern for, and first impressions are critical. It can be daunting to know that everything you say, do and even wear might be the difference between getting hired or going home empty-handed.
If you've done your homework and practiced your interview skills, however, this can be your time to shine. By following the steps below, you can be confident that you're projecting yourself as a likable, professional candidate.
Research the Company
Research the internship position and the company before going to the interview. Look at the company description and mission statement on the official website. Read over the internship position posting to find exactly what they are looking for in an intern. During your interview, tailor your answers to what they need in an intern and what they do as a company.
Practice answers to potential questions that may be asked during the internship interview. Such questions as "Why do you want the internship?" and "What do you want to learn during this internship?" will be asked during the interview. The better prepared you are, the better your answers will sound.
Practice Sample Questions
Present Your Best Self
Come to the internship interview dressed in your best outfit. Dress as you
would if you already had the job. If you suspect that the company allows casual dress while at work, avoid dressing that way for the interview. Instead, wear clean, freshly ironed slacks and a dress shirt in a neutral color. For internships in a corporation, wear a dress jacket as well. Female interns should avoid wearing skirts with a hem above the knee for the interview.
Talk about the Future
Mention your future plans during your interview. Although you're applying for an internship, prospective employers want to know your career plans to see if you're a good fit for the opportunity. Talk about where you see yourself working in the next five or 10 years and what kind of position you would like to eventually hold.
Treat it like a Job Interview
Although you may be interviewing for an unpaid internship, treat the interview like you would any other job interview. Smile and sit up straight. Act in a professional manner. Talk about your experience and what you're learning in school as it applies to the internship. After all, the company may want to hire you as a full-time employee after the internship is complete.