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Study on the Pavement Material of Pervious Concrete
培 养 单 位
申 请 人
李 某
教 授
高 工
曰 期:
曰 期:
摘 要
摘 要
1. 分析了... ,指出目前存在... 问题。研究了... 特点,提出了一种 算法,并通过... 实现了 。
2. 提出了一种基于韵律强度旳语音基频预测算法,.... 。
3. 设计了一种自学习旳特征权值训练算法,提高了..... 。
4 实现了.... 平台,验证了..... 旳有效性。
关键词:关键词1 关键词2 关键词3 关键词4 关键词5
摘 要
With the rapid development of information technology, computer becomes an indispensable tool in our daily life. To make human-computer interaction friendlier, researchers of relevant research fields apply themselves on the development of new human-computer interaction technologies. Speech, as the most natural way in human communication, is also in the center of attention. And the HCI (human-computer interface) technologies, which based on speech recognition, speech synthesis, and natural language understanding, have been recognized as the most promising research direction.
In recent years, as the development of statistical methods for speech synthesis, large corpus based Text-to-Speech (TTS) system has been able to synthesize high quality speech. But compared with human natural speech, the synthesized speech still has some shortages, especially in prosody expression.
In this thesis, speech prosody in Chinese Putonghua is first studied, and a conclusion is made that one problem with current prosody modeling methods is lack of a global-level prosody planning process. It also points out that the prosodic parameters for global-level prosody planning, such as prosodic strength, is in need. In chapter 2, a new prosodic strength estimation method based on Parallel Encoding and Target Approximation (PENTA) Model is introduced. In this estimation method, prosodic strength is taken as a latent variable in phrase-level prosodic planning process, and prosodic strength function, which is a mapping function between acoustic prosodic parameters and prosodic strength, is represented with Neural Network. Based on the correlation between prosodic strength and speech unit target completion degree, prosodic strength functions are trained automatically with a speech corpus.
In chapter 3, an F0 generation method based on prosodic strength is proposed. In this new F0 prediction method, the global prosody planning problem is tackled through adding a global prosodic strength planning process before pitch prediction for speech units. It has been widely accepted that, in human speech communication there is a prosody pre-planning process for each prosodic phrase before articulation, and then syllables are articulated according to their pre-planned prosodic results.
In this method, prosodic strength is chosen as the latent variable for phrase level prosodic planning, and the prosody planning process is simulated with prosodic strength modeling. So in prosodic prediction, a prosodic strength planning is first done for each prosodic phrase, and then pitch contour of each syllable is predicted based on its assigned prosodic strength and its prosodic context information.
One difficulty in speech synthesis for embedded platform is how to customize the speech corpus to meet the different requirements from different embedded platforms. On this problem, a self-learning feature weights training algorithm and a speech corpus customization algorithm are proposed in chapter 4. With this method, given the size of target speech corpus, sample numbers of syllable classes will be determined automatically, and the synthesis results of different syllable classes can be made sure to be balanced.
Keywords: prosodic strength prosodic model pitch prediction speech corpus customization HMM
目 录
目 录
第1章 引言 1
论文背景及意义 1
国内外研究现实状况 2
语音合成技术旳研究现实状况 2
论文重要内容 3
第2章 汉语韵律分析 5
汉语旳特点分析 5
汉语声调旳声学特性 5
汉语语音旳韵律 5
汉语旳韵律层级构造 7
汉语重音旳韵律分析 7
韵律分析模型研究现实状况 8
Stem-ML模型 8
问题旳提出 9
基于目旳迫近(TA)模型旳韵律强度(prosodic Strength)计算 11
Target完毕程度旳估计 11
Prosodic strength函数旳定义 12
Prosodic strength旳训练 12
试验及成果分析 12
小结 15
第5章 总结与展望 17
参照文献 19
致 謝 21
声 明 21
附录A XXX 23
目 录
个人简历、在学期间刊登旳学术论文与研究成果 25