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good morning. welcome to the lecture here today.
i believe everybody may know or hear about nuclear power.
regarded as a source of power, nuclear power is an important
element of a diverse, clean energy and an important source of
low-carbon electricity. increasing the amount of electricity
generated by nuclear power is critical to move toward a more
sustainable and securer energy in the future.
according to statistics, nuclear power is the second largest
source of domestic electricity in america, and the country is
expanding nuclear power as a key energy source for long-term
energy security. regardless of what the . does, the world is
increasingly turning to nuclear power as a low-carbon
electricity source. all in all, nuclear power plays a significant
role in cutting air pollution, and protecting national security.
although nuclear power plays a growing role in meeting the
world’s energy needs, nuclear power dangers will remain. the
disastrous earthquake and tsunami in japan, which led to the
nuclear accidents at the fukushima reactor, have brought
safety to the forefront of the discussion on nuclear power. at
the same time, terrorism is another threat to the development
of nuclear power. once the nuclear power plant encounters
terrorist attacks, the consequences would be disastrous. we
have known for years that a nuclear accident anywhere is a
nuclear accident everywhere, which leave us many
inspirations and questions worthy of consideration: what is
the trend for the development of nuclear power in the future,
and how rational to carry on the utilization of nuclear power?
we know that the nuclear accident in japan has raised
questions about the development of nuclear power plant in
countries around the world. some eu countries have
announced the suspension of nuclear power facilities projects,
particularly in germany, chancellor angela merkel intimated
that germany would not prepare to establish nuclear power
plants. it should be said, however, that every choice is both
narrow and wide, so in nuclear power. we must recognize that
there is no major energy source that can be exploited without : .
risk. as long as we prohibit the abuse of nuclear power, and
improve security to make use of its favorable factors, nuclear
power will take more active part in improving living conditions
and the ecological environment rather than destroying our
in my view, given the worlds fast-growing energy needs,
nuclear power should be properly developed due to its
specialty in energy shortage supplement and environmental
pollution reduction. under the safe and security premise, site
selection of nuclear power plant should be places away from
the population centre and where there are few or no natural
geological hazards, such as earthquakes. in the transition of
energy utilization, nuclear power can assume a major role to
supply the power generation, and its development can be
constrained after the technology maturity of wind power, solar
power and other new energy power generation.
while working to encourage the peaceful use of nuclear power,
we must seek the security of a world without nuclear weapons
and a peaceful expansion of nuclear power. working
cooperatively and with a shared sense of commitment and
obligation, we can succeed in building a clean and safer
energy future, and without this support, nuclear power will not
be able to play the right kind of role which it can and should
play in the global energy future. i look forward to working with
all of you gathered here today to turn this vision into a reality,
and ultimately leave our children with a stronger, better
country than when we found it.
thank you and i’m happy to take some questions.
mechanical engineering
mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and
technology as the theoretical basis of technical production
practice experience, research and address the development,
design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all
machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues
disciplines. machinery of modern society, the five elements of
production and services (people, capital, energy, materials and
machinery) of, and participation in energy and materials
production. any modern industrial and mechanical engineering : .
applications are required, such as agriculture, forestry, mining
and other necessary agricultural machinery, forestry
machinery, mining equipment; metallurgy and chemical
industry needs metallurgical machinery, chemical machinery;
textiles and food processing industry requires, textile
machinery, food processing machinery; housing construction
and roads, bridges, water and other projects required
construction machinery; power industry need to power
machinery; transportation needs of various types of vehicles,
ships, aircraft, etc.; the measurement of a variety of goods,
packaging, storage and handling needs of the corresponding
working machinery. is the peoples daily lives, more and more
application of machinery, such as the crusher, cars, bicycles,
sewing machines, watches, cameras, washing machines,
refrigerators, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, and so on.
the development of various engineering mechanical
engineering are required to have a corresponding development
of mechanical engineering are required to provide the
necessary machinery. some mechanical invention and
improvement has led to new engineering technologies and the
emergence of new industries and development, such as large
power machinery manufacturing success, led to the
establishment of the power system; locomotive and railway
invention led to the rise of railway undertakings ; internal
combustion engines, gas turbines, rocket engines of invention
and progress as well as aircraft and spacecraft led to the
successful development of aviation, aerospace engineering
and aviation, the rise of the aerospace industry; high-pressure
equipment (including compressors, reactors, sealing
technology, etc.) development synthetic chemistry has led to
many new projects success. mechanical engineering is
increasing in all areas under the pressure of demand to gain
traction, same time and from various disciplines and