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文档介绍:该【2025年会计英文简历 】是由【zongzong】上传分享,文档一共【17】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年会计英文简历 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。

  basic information
  Target Locations:Guangdong—Dongguan、 Guangdong—Guangzhou、 Guangdong—Shenzhen
  Target Positions:Manager/Supervisor
  Accounting Specialist
  Target Jobs:Sr cost accountant、 Cost supervisor

  20xx—09~20xx—07 Anyang Institute of Technology Accounting Bachelor Degree
  Company Type:Multinational Enterprise Company Category:Electrical,Micro—electronics
  Job Title:cost accountant Positions:Cost Accounting Specialist
  Job Description:annual revenue FCST(supported by S&M)and MCOS(from BAAN)status,to prepare annual sales VAM% FCST report;
  on sit’s actual operation expense trend,annual Capital investment FCST and sales VAM% FCST,to prepare annual profit budget report and submit to Top management for
  and accurately input approved annual profit budget data into OLS system before deadline,ensure all segments OP% have over 1%;
  ,analyze and comment on big gap btw current and last FCST;
  and analyze current DL,IDL,MOH cost depend on history level;
    daily inventory movement in BAAN,reduce inventory risk by timely write off the abnormal;
  STD system movement in BAAN,manual adjustment PPV to inventory account when monthly closing;
  supplier rebate,claim notice,order cancellation case base on cost sheet when necessary;
  Lean saving project,in charge of site's Lean,PE,Operation saving report;

  internal and external audit report when need;
  Reason for Leaving:Seek better development
  Company Type:Private Enterprise Company Category:Furniture,Household appliances,Handicrafts,Toys
  Job Title:cost accountant/supervisor Positions:Cost Accounting Specialist
  Job Description:***as cost accountant
  BOM and STD material movement in ERP system;
  and confirm material issue note in ERP system,prepare monthly material consumption report by production and non—production category;
  monthly output and DL cost from PMC and GL,to compute unit product cost;
  monthly sales VAM report;
  part in monthly or annual inventory blind count activity;
  ***as cost supervisor
  ,compare and analyze monthly report from cost accountant,prepare and issue monthly final costing report;
  charge of monthly or annual inventory count activity,issue final cycle count report with improvement suggestion when need;
  sample and new product quotation with full invested cost and VAM to general manager for approval;
  sales VAM report on FG promption scheme launched by S&M to general manager for approval;

  Reason for Leaving:Seek better development
  Project Experience
  Multek_zhuhai_costing team(20xx—06~Present)
  Job Title:site cost accountant
  Project Description:Every site of Multek_zhuhai will assign a cost account to organize a costing team,its purpose to correct current costing calculation and control method,keep it align with the parent—Flex,aim to costing resource sharing between
  Responsibility:reasonable costing calculatiotn way and sample report to management for apporval base on site's production actual;
  production variance and enhance production line cost control by narrow BOM and enlarge EDM material field;
  prior cost control to operation by preparing P&L FCST report base on revenue status what S&M provides;
  current cost control to operation by preparing and analysis the gap between weekly sales VAM & actual P&L report and last FCST;
  inventory hold risk by enlarge inventory field and timly write off the idle;
  Lean saving activity in Multek,site's cost accountant in charge of site saving project's mornitor and validation
  Special Skills
  Professional Title:skilled
  Computer Level:national computer grade 2

  Computer Skills:Passed visual fox pro examination at
  Strengths:Familar with BAAN,SAP,other ERP system,good at MS_Excel Function and
  Language Skills
  Chinese:Good Cantonese:General
  English Level:CET—4 Spoken Good
  Career Objective
  Career Direction:Desired Industry:PCB manufacture,Electronics,or other multinational
  Self Assessment:5 years costing work experience,2 years in multinational at finance accounting
  Certificate of Bachelor's Degree(***)20xx—07—01
  CET—4 20xx—12—01
  National Computer Rank Examination Level 2 20xx—04—01
  Certificate of Accounting Professional 20xx—04—01
  OBJECTIVE:Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Chicago

  More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing
  Auditor internship with Ernst & Young in New York
  Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in
  Proficient with MS Office,Windows 20xx/XP,and the
  EDUCATION:Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting,May 20xx Illinois State University,Normal,Illinois Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of on a scale Courses taken included:Managerial Accounting Corporate Audit and Reconciliation Intermediate Accounting I & II Financial Management Accounting I & II Internal Audit Accounting for Not—For—Profits Managerial Economics
  EXPERIENCE:Auditor Internship,May 20xx to August 20xx Ernst & Young,New York,New York
  Participated in the annual audit of Omega Megalithic Holdings,including development of the final certification
  Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation,including identification and correction of over twenty major accounting
  Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing entry time and automatically cross—referencing for
  Received Employee of the Month award twice——first intern ever to win the Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk,May 20xx to Present Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service,Anytown,New York
  Assisted(via remote)with payroll,tax,and account

  Developed automated monthly sales tax payment
  Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual
  Vice President,Student Accountancy Chapter,20xx—20xx
  Treasurer,Beta Gamma Sigma honors society,20xx—20xx
  Dorm Resident Assistant,20xx—20xx
  Date of birth:date
  Sex:Height:1,60 m Marital status:
  National:ID Number:
  Account:the place of origin:
  Where the company is:
  Personal Summary:studious,able to bear hardships and stand hard,helpfulness,sense of responsibility,dedication,teamwork has a good spirit,the ability to work,and work seriously。
  Highest level of education:college
  Graduate school:The Professional:
  Certificate:accounting qualification certificates,qualification certificates Intermediate Accounting,Computer Intermediate Certificate
  Work experience:
  Contact Address:

  Contact Tel:
  The ability to work and expertise:
  I am a very responsible person,have a responsibility to do anything,and has formed an independent work and study habits。 Now employed in well—motivated,has participated in the grid can be hard,and have some work experience。
  Professional knowledge and years of work experience and practical experience,I have accumulated a certain amount of work experience,and can work independently,good with people,team work and strong,energetic。 Point your company for giving me the opportunity to first practice,I will take action and to prove to you,the only company to benefit from it。 Aimed at training themselves,to their own platform for a show。 The most important thing is the ability,I believe that your company will feel that I am a suitable candidate!Look forward to working with you face—to—face!The face of difficulties and then will use an optimistic attitude to deal with and face serious。 Can bring benefits in the same time,I also hope that their work can be fun,learn more!
  Basic information
  Political affiliation:Members

  Date of birth:1988 November
  Marital status:single
  University one is graduated from XX school:
  Graduation time:20xx 07 months
  Major:International Trade
  Foreign language:English(PETS—3)
  Computer level:skilled
  Work experience:Practice
  Mobile phone number:
  Electronic mail:
  Job search intention
  Job type:Full—time
  Expectation:import and export trade,industry,finance,intermediary services
  Desired position:sales,human resources,personnel,logistics,property management
  Work location:no limit
  Desired salary:Negotiable
  Education experience
  20xx/9——20xx/7's School of International Business College
  The main learning:foreign trade English,accounting,international trade,international trade practice,international marketing,international finance,international technology trade,business communication and negotiation,foreign trade correspondence

  Work experience
  20xx/3——20xx/6's Auto Parts the accounting practice
  The company is mainly dealing with financial matters,check every account;
  And carries on the analysis to the company in order to achieve better business
  20xx/11——20xx/3 phone's property insurance Limited by Share Ltd sales
  Phone tap potential customers,questions about the customer put forward on automobile insurance is a good answer,good communication with customers in the process to help customers,achieve sales
  Self assessment
  My personality is outgoing,sincere studious,full of passion for work,have affinity,has the team
  *Managed,developed,and maintained all aspects of finance,accounting,foreign exchange dealings,marketing,and data processing of company and its overseas offices in London and New York *Controlled budget,cash flow,and capital expenditure
  *Reviewed,analyzed,and evaluated finances and securities pertaining to advances and shipping for client base of about


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