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上传人:buhouhui915 2018/2/27 文件大小:50 KB




  MySQL architecture is best understood in the context of its history. Thus, the two are discussed in the same chapter.
MySQL History
  MySQL history goes back to 1979 when Monty Widenius, working for a panycalled TcX, created a reporting tool written in BASIC that ran on a 4 puter with 16 KB RAM. Over time, the tool was rewritten in C and ported to run on Unix. It was still just a low-level storage engine with a reporting front end. The tool was known by the name of Unireg.
  Working under the adverse conditions of putational resources, and perhaps building on his God-given talent,Monty developed a habit and ability to write very efficient code naturally. He also developed, or perhaps was gifted from the start,with an unusually acute vision of what needed to be done to the code to make it useful in future development—without knowing in advance much detail about what that future development would be.
  In addition to the above, with TcX being a very pany and Monty being one of the owners, he had a lot of say in what happened to his code. While there are perhaps a good number of programmers out there with Monty’s talent and ability, for a number of reasons, few get to carry their code around for more than 20 years. Monty did.
  Monty’s work, talents, and ownership of the code provided a foundation upon which the Miracle of MySQL could be built.
  Some time


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