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文档介绍:该【2025年外研版七年级(下)期中英语试卷(附答案) 】是由【小屁孩】上传分享,文档一共【10】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年外研版七年级(下)期中英语试卷(附答案) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .
一、完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)通读下面短文,从 A、B、C、
D 四个选项中选出最佳选项填入空格内,使短文通顺、连 贯.
1. Kathy works in a big company(公司) in Shanghai. Her parents live in a small town
(镇). This summer she and her family are going back to her (1)_______ to visit her
parents. It’s a very small town about 500 kilometers away (2)_______ Shanghai. It
takes them 10 hours to get there by (3)_______ . Kate doesn’t like it. She thinks it’s
very (4)_______ to drive for so long. She wants to take a plane. But it takes an hour to
get to the (5)_______ before they can take the plane . She doesn’t want to take a bus,
(6)_______ . Her husband wants to go by train. But the (7)_______ is far from
Kathy’s office.
(8)_______ her son says, "Let’s (9)_______ bikes to go there. It will take one
day . But it is (10)_______ for our health. We need do sports to keep healthy .



(7) stop station
(8) first
二、阅读理解(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)
1. My Favorite Sweater
by Bonnie Highsmith Taylor
My favorite sweater grew too small.
I love that sweater best of all.
My grandma made it when I was three. She made that sweater just for me.
I picked the yam(纱线) , a special blue.
The color of bluebells, wet with dew(露珠).
When I was three I was very small.
But now I’m five and much too tall. I have a new jacket now that’s green.
So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.
Queen just had________ out in the shed(小屋).
My favorite sweater is now their bed.
(1)________made the sweater to the little girl.
mother. father.
grandma . aunt.
(2)The underline word “________” in this poem means________.
kind of food.
baby cat.
kind of drink.
bed for a baby.
试卷第 1 页,总 10 页 : .
(3)What do we know from the poem ?________
girl doesn’t like the sweater any more.
girl has got a new blue jacket now.
sweater is too small for the girl now.
girl’s grandma loves blue very much .
2. The year of 2018 is the Year of the Dog. Dogs are man’s best friend. They are very
According to National Geographic(国家地理网站) , dogs are smarter than cats. They
have more neurons (神经元) in their brains(大脑). Neurons help transmit(传送)
message .
Dogs can learn to count. In a test, scientist(科学家) showed dogs two
pictures. There were different numbers of shapes in the pictures. The dogs could choose
the picture that had more shapes. Time magazine said.
Dogs also know about the passing of time. Before you come home, they get ready to
welcome you . They wake up from a nap and look at the front door, waiting for you to
come home . Human babies take a long time to learn about how time passes.
Dogs also have feelings. They jump and bark(吠叫) to welcome you . When they see
that you
are sad, they touch your hand with their noses.
(1)Dogs have more Neurons in their brains so that they________.
learn to count.
about the passing of time.
, B and C.
(2)What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?________
scientists learned that dogs can count.
dogs like pictures with more shapes .
dogs learned that time passes.
dogs can understand different pictures .
(3)The best title for the passage may be________.
and Cats.
Year of the Dog .
’s Smartest Friends ﹣ Dogs.
and Scientists.
3. A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful, too. Here is an interesting phrase(短
语), "to let
the cat out of the bag“. In meaning it is the same as ”to tell the secret(秘密) ". And
there is an old interesting story about ________.
When farmers want to sell chickens at the market, they usually just put the chickens in
cloth(布)bags. But cats were cheaper(更便宜) than chickens at that time, so many
farmers put cats into the cloth bags but not chickens. One day, a woman asks a man for a
chicken . The man gives her a cloth bag with a cat in it.________ When the man opens
the cloth bag, a big black cat runs out. Not a chicken! The man’s secret is out and everyone
knows it.
Now when we say someone gives away a secret, we say “he lets the cat out of the
bag”. And that is the story where the interesting phrase comes from.
(1)The underlined word “________” in the passage refers to(指的是) ________ .
useful bag. phrase.
试卷第 2 页,总 10 页 : .
cat. chicken .
(2)The farmers put cats but not chickens in the bags to________ when they sold
chickens .
the secret.
the cats.
more money .
the cats quiet.
(3)Which is the best for the blank(空白处) in the passage?________
woman is angry to see a cat.
man puts a cat in the bag.
man wants to see the chicken .
woman wants to see the chicken .
(4)The writer writes the story to tell us________.
woman likes cats .
farmers sells their cats.
phrase is useful.
the phrase comes from .
三、词汇运用(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
1. wear vacation with really under park warm tree what everyone
Spring is when life i


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