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广东省八校联盟2024-2025学年高一上学期教学质量检测(二)英语 Word版无答案.docx

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广东省八校联盟2024-2025学年高一上学期教学质量检测(二)英语 Word版无答案.docx



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Dogs have a different way of seeing the world compared to human beings. As a result of this, they heavily rely on body language to pass their different messages to people. Read this post to find out more on what your dog is trying to tell you. You may be shocked at some of these signs from your dog, because believe it or not, there are some that you would have never thought of.
Raising their paws. When you see your dog raising its paws, ifs a sign that they want to play or simply need something from you. This is a behavior that's displayed mostly by puppies and other small dogs. Whenever puppies want to eat, they will raise their paws or put them out for their mother. So when it does the same to you, it just means they need some attention and affection.
Eating grass. Seeing a dog eating grass is not the most unusual thing but unfortunately this mostly means that the dog lacks an important nutrient. It could also mean that they are trying to digest (消化)their food well considering how fibrous grass is. You should also be very careful because this could also be an indication that your dog has worms in their intestines (肠). Eating grass could also mean that the dog is dehydrated (脱水)and that they could be trying to get water from the grass. That said, if this happens a lot, take your dog to the vet because it's better to ensure their safety.
Energy boosting. Although there are some dogs enjoy baths • there aren't too many of them around. The average dog does not like taking a bath and if you notice that your dog running around the house like it's crazy after one, they didn't like the bath. Many dogs really hate being wet, and running so energetically is a way to dry
off more quickly.
Why does a dog raise its paws?
A. It shows its lovely expression.
C. It needs attention and affection from people.
What can you do when your dogs eat grass?
A. Give them a bath. B. Walk them outside.
What does the text mainly talk about?
People are shocked at dogs' signs.
People never think of dogs, signs.
Dogs' body language is different from people.
Its habit allows a dog to do that.
D. It is anxious about something different from people.
Ignore this behavior. D. Take them to the vet.
D. Dogs' body language passes different messages to people.
An E. coli (大肠杆菌)outbreak linked to McDonald's signature Quarter Pounder hamburgers has sickened at least 75 people across 13 states, one person has died, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Friday.
McDonald's China clarified that they do not sell the products linked to the recent US outbreak nor do they use any related ingredients, as reported by The Paper. "We strictly comply with legal regulations and quality management standards. Please be assured,9, the company said.
The number of illnesses is up from the 49 previously reported and the number of states has increased by three. McDonald's says onions from California-based company are linked to E. coli outbreak. At least 22 people have been hospitalized — including two people who have since developed serious complications (并发症)that can lead to kidney failure - potentially after eating fresh onions on the hamburgers sourced from the California-based Taylor Farms. The CDC previously reported that 10 people had been hospitalized. Although most people who become ill recover without treatment within a week, others can develop serious kidney problems and require hospitalization. Seniors, children younger than five and people with weakened immune systems are most at risk of infection.
Consumers (顾客)are thought to have gotten sick between and Oct. 10. Major food service distributor US Foods announced on Thursday that Taylor Farms had issued a recall for onions over possible E. coli pollution. A US Foods spokesperson said that the wholesale company is not a supplier to McDonald's.
Where is the passage taken from?
A. A report. B. A novel. C. A brochure. D. An encyclopedia.
What caused the E. coli outbreak?
A. Eating McDonald's hamburgers. B. The bad food service of some states.
C. The pollution from the Taylor Farms. D. Eating fresh onions on the McDonald's hamburgers.
Who will most likely get sick after eating the hamburgers?
A. The young consumers. B. The supplier to McDonald's.
C. People with health problems. D. Major food service distributors.
Whafs the best title of the text?
A. McDonald's Hamburgers. B. A Food Poisoning Event.
C. The Source of Poisoning Food. D. The Spread Disease.
Muhammad Ali was an all-time great boxer and entertainer. He was a three-time world heavyweight champion, an Olympic gold medallist, and as masterful approaching a microphone as he was in the stadium. Later in life, he was made a United Nations Messenger of Peace, and awarded the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom.
He's widely celebrated today, but that wasn't always true during his boxing career. Ali was a confident, capable, black Muslim athlete who was unafraid to speak his mind and stand up for his ideals. That made him very unpopular with a lot of people in 1960s America. Ali once said, “I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get used to me. Black; confident; cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own. Get used to me.^^
Bom Cassius Clay in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1942, he changed his name when he became a Muslim. He explained that "Cassius Clay is a slave name. I didn't choose it, and I don't want it. I am Muhammad Ali, a free name- it means beloved of God, and I insist that people use it when people speak to me and of me.”
In 1966, Ali was at the height of his success as a boxer. At the same time, the US was fighting a war in
Vietnam. The government was drafting (选拔)young men to fight, which meant they had to join the Armed Forces when called. Refusing without an officially allowed reason was illegal. Ali was drafted, but refused anyway. He said he wouldn't fight in Vietnam because it was against his religion and because black people in America were still "treated like dogs and denied simple human rights.
Most Americans supported the Vietnam War at that time, and some thought Ali was a traitor (叛国者).TV
host David Susskind called him “a disgrace (Sil:辱)to his country, his race, and what he laughingly describes as his was stripped of his heavyweight title, disqualified from fighting, and given a $10,000 fine and a prison sentence. But to many, he was a hero. Civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton said, “he knew he was going to jail and did it anyway. That's another level of leadership and sacrifice.
What made Ali disliked by many people in his boxing career?
A. He became an entertainer.
C. He was a black Muslim athlete.
Why did he change his name?
A. Because he became a Muslim.
C. Because he was a successful boxer.
Which of the following statement is true?
Ali used to be a prisoner.
C. Ali used to be the United States President.
He couldn't speak his mind.
D. He didn't get used to his part.
B. Because Muhammad Ali was a free name.
D. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky.
B. Ali used to fight in Vietnam War.
D. Ali was thought as a hero by David Susskind.
What is the attitude to Ali from Reverend Al Sharpton?
A. Opposing. B. Indifferent. C. Neutral. D. Supportive.
Some believe that a person's life and destiny can be read in the lines of his palm (手掌).But what if we told you there is an easier way fbr people to get to know themselves? Just look at your thumbs, and you'll see. The size of your thumb reveals a lot about you. Whether it's big or small, long or short, you can still learn a thing or two about yourself by taking a closer look at this unique body part.
Types of thumbs. People can be divided into three distinct groups based on their thumb types. Let us call the different Thumb types A, B, and C.
Thumb A. People with a larger-than-average top half on their thumbs tend to be more deeply in love with their partners. They are thought to be more faithful in their relationships. People with this type of thumb will always choose their relationship over anything else in life 一 nothing mailers more than their career, hobbies, and their partner.
Thumb B. Do the two halves of your thumbs match in size? In that case, people say you are calm and collected when it comes to relationships. You don't let your emotions get out of control! You set goals and achieve them. You are a reasonable person. This also means you do not fall in love easily.
Thumb C. If the bottom half of your thumb is longer than the top, you are an extremely reliable and trustworthy person. You tend to think things through before acting on them. When you finally let someone into your life and share everything with that person - good times, bad times, every part of yourself - there is a high probability that they are the one for you.
How are the three types of thumbs divided?
A. By the size of the two halves of the thumb. B. By the length of the thumb.
C. By the function of the thumb. D. By the lines of the palm.
What is the feature of people with Thumb A?
A. Being loved by others. B. Caring about their career.
C. Paying attention to their partners. D. Putting stress on relationship.
What do people with Thumb B and people with Thumb C have in common?
A. They will achieve goals easily. B. They are careful to do things.
C. They are positive and have many friends. D. They get along well with other people.
What can be inferred from the text?
A. We can judge people by their thumbs.
The types of the thumbs are decided by birth.
People's characters are decided by thumb types.
D. People with Thumb A are more faithful than people with Thumb B.
No matter where you go t you'll notice something special about the trees ——the fact that their bottoms are painted white. At first glance, it could look like damage. After all, why would anyone paint the trunks of trees white? 16 And while it has been around for ages, people are still confused by this strange yet interesting phenomenon.
Generally speaking, the purpose of whitewashing is to protect the tree from heat and insects. 17 Lefs check them out!
Sun burnt. You might sometimes notice that some chunks of a tree's bark buckle and look as if they are about to fall. In gardening terms, that process is called Winter Sun Scald or Southwest Injury and usually occurs during the tree's beginning growth. But what causes this phenomenon? Simply put, Sun Scald happens in areas such as New Mexico, where there is intense (强烈的)sun exposure, and the temperatures vary wildly between day and night. 18 In other words, once you whitewash your young trees, their trunks' surfaces won't get dry and cracked as easily anymore.
Heat protection. 19 Why? Because white paint acts as a protector that reflects the heat and allows the tree to spend more time on transpiration (蒸腾作用)and growing their fruits. Additionally, when trees are cooler, they have less stress, which makes their stomata (气孑L) stay open a bit longer fbr the exchange of gases. That's extremely important because the more carbon dioxide the trees take in, the more energy they create.
20 More often than not, a tree9s bark will crack, allowing insects to creep inside. Once that happens, bacteria will feed on the tree's inner body, preventing its growth and eventually killing it. As a result, whitewashing mixtures contain three parts water and one part interior latex paint (室内孚L胶).The paint itself prevents insects from crawling up the tree and entering inside through the cracks.
Illness and pests.
Tree's recovery.
People whitewash


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