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In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?
雅思真题作文范文:理想抱负的必要性 1
In this contemporary era which features high pressure and fierce competitions, ambition is a powerful driving force on modern peoples way to success. As the proverb goes that most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions.
It is believed that ambition is putting a ladder against sky. If Newton had no ambition to figure out why apples fall down on the earth rather than flying to the sky, gravity can never be discovered; If Salvador Dali had no ambition to draw what is in his mind or dreams no matter how distorted it is, surrealism can never be thought highly of; If the allied nations in World War Two had no ambition to defeat the Nazism led by Hitler, massive slaughter would be recorded in human history. It is ambition that enables individuals to equip with self-motivation and self-discipline that are deemed as indispensable factors for overcoming barriers as well as resisting temptation when devoting to work or studies. Unfortunately, people who lose ambitions are hardly to pursue their goals or make themselves come out on the top even if their inspiration spring up every second.
Although a heavy ambition is often thought to be connected with the greed or an addiction to power, it is not the case. Ambitious people have courage and persistence to challenge tasks which cannot be completed by ordinary people; have aspiration to break down the routine as well as to fight for what they believe in. In a large scale, the civilization of mankind would not thrive supposing that humans refuse to admit or achieve their ambitions.
In a word, ambition is one of the most crucial characteristics for human beings. It gives us goals and pushes us to lead a life filled with satisfaction and glory. However, it is worth mention that the realization of personal ambition can never at the expense of violating others interest.
雅思真题作文范文:理想抱负的必要性 2
Around us there are many people who are ambitious and always work hard toachievewhat they want, but there are also many who seem to have nothing to squeeze out of life. My observation is that people with ambition are more likely to succeed in life than those without.
To be sure, ambition is like the force driving people to move on toward their goals. With certain ambition in mind, people will set about making plans, taking actions and then will persist when they encounter difficulties. My friend John is a perfect example. Ten years ago, when I first got to know him, he told me he dreamed of becoming the best photographer in this country. Then he began to travel to all places in China, no matter how dangerous and remote they are and just last month he published his first photography book which contains a lot of fantastic pictures he took. On the other hand, if one does not have ambition, s/he may simply loaf around without knowing what lies ahead. Indeed, this kind of life is perhaps not that bad, for it is carefree and less worrying, but it contributes little to ones success in life, if success is defined as earning more money, staying at the top of the social ladder or making more contribution to the world.
Seen in this light, ambition is undoubtedly something positive and healthy. But like anything else, ambition may become negative and harmful if it is not treated properly. I know many ambitious people who end up in prison because they tried to realize their ambition through illegal means, and I also know a few people who made suicidal attempts after they failed to achieve their ambition. So honestly, ambition is like both an angel and a devil. Whether ambition becomes an angel or a devil depends on how people take it.
雅思真题作文范文:理想抱负的必要性 3
In an age of fierce competition, the characteristic of ambition has been stressed in schools and companies. Personally, I concede that ambition is the source of motivation helps people making progress, while ambition abuse might have negative effects on the society.
Firstly, ambition plays an essential role, because it is the source of driving force for people to achieve success. For example, in order to reach goals, people with ambition are always active, attentive, hard-working and competitive. Therefore, their excellent performance in their fields can be highly expected. On the contrary, the absence of aspiration would weaken people physically and mentally, making them passive, mediocre and lazy. Their willpower will falter; their dreams and visions will fade, let along the success.
There are many virtues of ambition in moderation, including desire, enthusiasm, concentration, dedication, determination and fearlessness. All of these traits can push people’s careers forwards in the right direction. For example, under the stimulation of ambition, employees in a company have definite objectives and plans, as well as devote themselves into work with a sharp focus, which means a higher efficiency and lower mistakes in work. In addition, ambition equips employees with challenging spirit, by which they can courageously face and solve problems and difficult, instead of being defeated and frustrated with small barriers. Moreover, ambition can activate the thinking of people, thus sparking new ideas and inspirational proposals.
However, over ambitiousness might be risky to people’s life. For one thing, it would shape people as workaholics trapped into a work-oriented lifestyle, which means prolonged work hours, frequent extra tasks and meetings, as well as the shortage of time spending on family, leisure, sleep or exercise. For another, ambitious people always set a high-level anticipation about their work performance in minds. As long as their practical achievements are not as good as expected, they would immediately be attacked by negative emotions like depression, anxiety and self doubting. That is to say, the emphasis on ambition would lead to an imbalanced and unhealthy life, physically and mentally.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that people today need ambition for self improvement. However, we should be very circumspect about this personality, because as long as it goes too far, a balanced life might be ruined.