文档介绍:该【2025年高中英语作文:“低碳生活”小调查 】是由【森森】上传分享,文档一共【2】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年高中英语作文:“低碳生活”小调查 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。
What is low-carbon life? Low carbon life, merged to reduce energy during life, thereby reducing carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Effectively reduce carbon emissions, not just international and national things, not only to accelerate our survival environment, every place, every family, everyone should actively act, try to do every way to reduce carbon emissions quantity. Low-carbon lifestyle is to pay attention to energy saving and reduction in the details of life. As long as we conscientiously do "four (one drop of water, one piece of paper, one rice, one-degree electricity)" energy-saving activities can be as "low carbon life". In the winter vacation, my father and mother also made investigations and statistics on my daily life, for our lives, more energy efficient, lower carbon. The measures taken by daily life projects are reasonable to wear four season clothing. An ordinary dress is finally abandoned from the raw material to the garment, and the carbon dioxide is discharged. Buy less unnecessary clothes to reduce kg of carbon dioxide emissions.
In addition, cotton clothes are small, and more cotton clothes are also part of low-carbon life. If you eat, don't cause waste, your grandmother will use daily rice water to pour the flowers, and the vegetable water is used to flush. Use disposable tableware as much as possible in the external meals. Widely use disposable chopsticks will consume a lot of forestry resources. If the country is reduced by 10%, it is equivalent to reducing approximately 103,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The electric lights in the house should use energy-saving lamps and use less air conditioners.
The air conditioner consumption is very large, so the cold is still hot, we try to open air conditioners, which will greatly reduce carbon emissions. The main transportation of the current home has bicycles, motorcycles and cars. It is necessary to take a bicycle as much as possible to walk and use bicycles, not only exercise, but also save energy. Scientists have studied that a day will be opened less, and the carbon dioxide can be reduced by 98 kilograms per car. The garbage bags in other houses mainly use degradable plastic bags as much as possible. Reduce the use of napkins and toilet paper to develop saving habits. According to the World Natural Foundation, 270,000 trees used to produce paper towels after being cut down. Trying to use handkerchiefs not only protect the environment, but also make your life more quality. Through our efforts of our whole family, our family has gradually over-energy, low-carbon life. Low carbon life, is an attitude of our ordinary people, not the ability, we should actively promote and practice low-carbon life, pay attention to power saving, fuel, soil, start from scratch.