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中国是一个农业大国, 同时也是世界上农业发展历史最悠久的国家之一, 水稻等主要农作物都
起源于中国。中国各种农产品的产量增长很快,谷物、肉类、棉花、油菜( rape )、花生、水果
的总产量均居世界第一位。 秦岭淮河线,是南北地域分异的重要地理界线。 秦岭淮河线以北的北方,
作物多为旱作( dry crops ),秦岭淮河线以南的南方,全年都有作物生长。
China is a great agricultural country. It is also one of the countries with the longest
history of agricultural development in the world. Crops like rice originate from China. The
production of various crops in China has a high growth rate. The output of grains, meat,
cotton, rape, peanuts and fruit rank first in the world. The Qinling Mountains and the
Huaihe River serve as an important demarcation line of north-south boundary in China.
North to this line is the northern region which mainly grows dry crops. South to the line is
the southern region which grows crops all year round.
长城以其宏伟的建筑和悠久的历史享誉世界,是世界七大奇观之一, 1987 年被联合国教科文
组织(UNESCO )列为世界文化遗产。长城宛若一条巨龙, 蜿蜒曲折,横跨沙漠、草原(grassland )、
群山、高原( plateau ),从东至西绵延约 6700 公里。长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧
(nomadic )民族侵袭而修筑的军事工程,体现了中国古代人民的智慧,也是中华民族坚毅、勤
The Great Wall is internationally known for its magnificent architecture and long
history. As one of the seven wonders in the world, it was listed as a world cultural heritage
by UNESCO in1987. Just like a huge dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across
deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 6700 kilometers
from east to west. The Great Wall is a military project built to defend against northern
nomadic invaders during different periods of time in ancient China. It embodies the
wisdom of ancient Chinese people and serves as a symbol of their persistence and
diligence as well.
中国方言( dialect)是汉语在不同地域的分支。它的形成是由于我国是一个地域辽阔 (vast
territory) 、多民族、多文化的国家。汉语的方言非常复杂。方言之间的差异表现在发音、词汇、
语法三个方面, 其中语音方面的差异最明显。 大体来说, 北方方言和普通话 (mandarin )很接近,
(indigenous) 文化精神做出了贡献。
Chinese dialects are branches of the Chinese language in different regions. Its
formation is due to China’s vast territory, varieties of nationalities and cultures. The
dialects of the Chinese language are very complicated. Various dialects differ from each
other in three aspects: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. And the most prominent
difference is in pronunciation. Generally speaking, most of northern dialects are similar to
Mandarin, while southern dialects are vastly different from Mandarin. Although local
dialects have brought much trouble in the communication of people in different areas,
they have made contribution to retaining the indigenous culture. : .
几千年来,中国人民不但对诚实守信的美德大加赞赏, 而且努力地身体力行。 旧时中国店铺的
实守信。人们在学习中也高度重视诚实守信,孔子( Confucius )早在 2 000 多年前就教育他的弟
For thousands of years, the quality of integrity and credit has been honored and
practiced diligently in China. In the past, there was always a sign at the entrance of the
store, saying “genuine goods at a fair price, equally honest with aged and child
customers”, which shows that during trade transactions since ancient times, it has been
honorable to be honest. Integrity has also been highly valued in study. About 2 000 years
ago, Confucius taught his disciples that when you know a thing, to hold that you know it;
and when you do not know a thing, to admit that you do not know it.
中国的饮食文化博大精深 (profound) 。长期以来,各地由于物产、气候、生活习惯不同,渐
渐形成了各具地方特色的菜系, 其中最为着名的有鲁菜、 川菜、淮扬菜、粤菜“四大菜系”(Grand
Four Categories of Chinese Cuisine )。这些菜系的选料、口味、烹饪方法各有不同。一般说来,
Chinese cuisine culture is profound. For a long time, owing to the difference in
resources, climate, and living habit, many different cuisines unique to certain areas are
gradually formed. The most renowned branches of Lu, Chuan, Huaiyang and Yue are
called the “Grand Four Categories of Chinese Cuisine”. In these cuisines, the ingredients,
tastes, cooking methods differ from each other. Generally speaking, in the cold northern
areas, dishes taste strong and salty; in the southeastern areas with mild climate, the dishes
are mainly sweet and salty; in southwestern areas with rainy and damp climate, the dishes
tend to be spicy.
书法是中国传统的汉字书写艺术, 经过千百年的创作和发展, 已成为一门风格独特的艺术。 中国历
是被人们称为“文房四宝” (“Four Treasures of the Study”)的笔、墨、纸、砚。
Calligraphy is the traditional art of writing Chinese characters. After centuries of
production and evolution, calligraphy has become a unique form of art. There have been
many famous calligraphers, such as Wang Xizhi, Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu
Gongquan and Zhao Mengfu, to name but a few. After years of hard practice, each had
formed a unique calligraphic style, elevating the Chinese calligraphy to a higher level.
Chinese brush, ink stick, paper and ink stone are the necessary tools and materials for
writing and painting and have always been named collectively as the “Four Treasures of
the Study”. : .
佛教(Buddhism )发源于古印度,早在汉代( the Han Dynasty )就已经传入中国。佛教在
中国的发展过程中不断中国化, 逐渐发展成中国的重要宗教之一, 深刻影响中国人思想和生活习惯。
佛教中国化的重要时期是在隋唐时期( the Sui and Tang dynasties ),在这一时期随着国家的统
Buddhism originated from ancient India and had been introduced to China as early as
the Han Dynasty. During its development in China, Buddhism constantly adapted itself to
the local context in China so as to gradually become one of the most important religions
in China and to deeply influence the thoughts and living habits of Chinese. The
localization of Buddhism in China was most significant in the Sui and Tang dynasties.
During this period, with the unity of the country, the development of the economy and
the more and more frequent cultural exchanges, Buddhism gained unprecedented
北京四合院( the Beijing courtyard houses )是典型的老北京民居,有着悠久的历史。在汉
语里,它被称为“四合院”( Siheyuan )。这里“四”指东、西、南、北四面。整个词指院子四面
Being a typical ancient Beijing’s residence, the Beijing courtyard houses have a long
history. It is called “Siheyuan” in Chinese. Here “Si” means “Four”, which refers to
the four sides: east, west, north and south. The term “Siheyuan” refers to
acourtyardsurrounded by buildings onall four sides. Due to its special layout, it is also
compared to a box with a garden in the center. There is only one gate leading to a hutong,
so when the gate is closed it loses touch with the outside world. Therefore family
members can fully enjoy tranquility and share the happiness of a family union.
端午节( the Dragon Boat Festival )据说源于战国时期( the Warring States period ),据
现在有 2000 多年的悠久历史。关于它的起源有很多传说,其中最为人熟知的版本跟屈原有关。屈
原是战国时期楚国( the state of Chu )的诗人和政客,当他听说楚国被秦国( the state of Qin )
The Dragon Boat Festival, with a long history of more than 2,000 years, is believed to
have originated during the Warring States period. A number of legends attempt to
explain its origins. The best-known story is the legend of Qu Yuan, a poet and statesman
of the state of Chu during the Warring States period. When Qu Yuan learned that Chu was
conquered by the state of Qin, he committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. Many
traditional activities are held on this special day to commemorate Qu Yuan. Among these
customs are dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, tying five-colour silk thread, etc.
中国人的名字往往有一定的含义, 表示某种愿望。 有的名字中包含出生时的地点、 时间或自然
现象,有的名字表示希望具有某种美德,有的表示希望健康、长寿、幸福。男人的名字和女人的名 : .
字也不一样,男人名多用表示威武勇猛的字,女人名常用表示温柔美丽的字。现在, 中国人起名已
Chinese names usually have a certain meaning, expressing some kind of wish. Some
names embody the location, time or natural phenomenon when a person was born; some
indicate the expectation of possessing some virtues; some express the hope for health,
longevity and happiness. Male names are different from female ones: men’s names
usually have characters meaning power and v