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文档介绍:该【2025年自然拼读教材 】是由【小屁孩】上传分享,文档一共【20】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年自然拼读教材 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .
二、 26
个 字
母 在
前元音 [i:] [i] [e] [?]
单 词
单元音 中元音 [?] [?:] [?]
中 元 音 后元音 [u:] [u] [?:] [?] [a:] 的
开合双元音 [ei] [ai] [?i] [?u] [au]
发 双元音 音
集中双元音 [i?] [ε?] [u?]
规 则
清辅音 [p] [t] [k]
浊辅音 [b] [d] [g]
韵 律
清辅音 [f] [s] [?] [θ] [h]

浊辅音 [v] [z] [?] [e]
清辅音 [t?] [tr] [ts]
A is
辅 音 破擦音
浊辅音 [d?] [dr] [dz]
鼻音 (浊辅音) [m] [n] [?]
舌则音 (浊辅音) [r]
半元音 (浊辅音) [w] [j]
apple [?] [?] [?] B is for bat [b] [b] [b]
C is for cat [k] [k] [k] D is for dog [d] [d] [d]
E is for elephant [e] [e] [e] F is for frog [f] [f] [f]
G is for girl [g] [g] [g] H is for head [h] [h] [h]
I is for it [i] [i] [i] J is for jug [d?] [d?] [d?]
K is for kite [k] [k] [k] L is for lion [l] [l] [l]
M is for monkey [m] [m] [m] N is for nose [n] [n] [n] : .
O is for orange [ ?][?][?] P is for prince [p] [p] [p]
Q is for queen [kw] [kw] [kw] R is for rain [r] [r] [r]
S is for sweets [s] [s] [s] T is for teddy [t] [t]
U is for up [ ?] [ ?] [ ?] V is for vase [v] [v]
W is for way [w] [w] [w] X is for x-ray [ks] [ks]
Y is for yellow [ j ] [ j ] [ j ] Z is for zoo [ z ]
[ z ] [ z ]
 字母 音标 音素拼读
 Aa [?] am at act
 Bb [b] bat bag bad
 Cc [k] cat cap cad
 Dd [d] dog dad duck
 Ee [e] egg bed red
 F f [f] fat fish fit
 Gg [g] girl gate get
 Hh [h] ham hat have
 I i [i] it is this
 J j [d?] jug jam jeep
 Kk [k] kid kip kick : .
 L l [l] let leg left
 Mm [m] mum mad mess
 Nn [n] nag not neck
 Oo [?] log hot dot
 Pp [p] pig pen put
 Qq [kw] queen quick quack
 Rr [r] red ram rap
 Ss [s] sit sad see
 Tt [t] ted tip tick
 Uu [?] bus cut cup
 Vv [v] vet vex vase
 Ww [w] wed wet way
 Xx [ks] box six tax
 Yy [ j ] yes yet yep
 Zz [ z ] zap zoo zoom
Story about A
Frank the Rat
• Frank is a rat.
• Frank is in a bag.
• Frank is in a hat.
• Frank is in a pan.
• Frank is on an apple. : .
• Frank is on a bat.
• “Oh , no!” Frank is on a cat.
Story about B
The biscuits
A biscuit can be a bus.
A biscuit can be a bike.
A biscuit can be a boat.
A biscuit can be a banana.
A biscuit can be a bear.
A biscuit can be a butterfly.
A biscuit can be bird.
Story about C
Cool Cat
Cary is cool cat.
Cary can cut carrots like this.
Cary can climb a coconut tree like this.
Cary can clean a crocodile like this.
Cary can catch flies like this.
Yes, Cary is cool cat.
Story about D
Dancing Dad
Dad loves dancing.
Dad is dancing with the desk. : .
Dad is dancing with the duck.
Dad is dancing with the door.
Dad is dancing with the dog.
Dad is dancing with the deer.
Where is Dad?
Wow! What a dancing dad.
Story about E
Red Ben
Ben likes red.
Ben paints the egg red.
Ben paints the eggplant red.
Ben paints the lemon red.
Ben paints the hen red.
Ben paints the elephant red.
Oh, we like red.
Story about F
The Frog’s Love Story
A frog falls in love with a fox.
Fresh fruit for you, dear fox.
A fish for you, dear fox.
Flowers for you, dear fox.
On day, the fox’s house is on fire.
Help! Help! : .
The fox is frightened.
The frog saves the fox.
You are my hero.
The fox falls in love with the frog.


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