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文档介绍:该【六年级英语下册单元专项-Unit-8-Our-dreams-阅读与写作译林版三起含答案 】是由【知识徜徉土豆】上传分享,文档一共【4】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【六年级英语下册单元专项-Unit-8-Our-dreams-阅读与写作译林版三起含答案 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。【读写天地】Unit8 Our dreams读写提优平台
    One day, my cousins and I are in the park. The park is very beautiful. There are many flowers and trees in it. And there is a lake, too. My cousins are playing games by the lake. And I am sitting under a tree. I look at the blue sky. The white clouds are like white sheep(绵羊). Oh, two birds are flying. One is yellow, the other is green. They look so beautiful and free.
    I have a dream now. I want to be a bird and I want to fly in the sky with my friends.
( )(1)Where is the writer(作者) one day? He is __________.
A. in the dream                B. in the park                  C. in the lake
( )(2)Who is together with the writer? _________.
A. His brother                    B. His classmates               C. His cousins
( )(3)What are the cousins doing? They _________.
A. are sitting           B. playing games        C. flying a kite
( )(4)What does the writer want to be in his dream? He wants to be ____.
A. a sheep                  B. a bird               C. a cloud
( )(5)What does the writer see in the sky? He sees____.
A. sheep                     B. birds               C. a lake
Can you imagine astronauts’ everyday life in space?
On Earth, we put food on a plate because there’s gravity on our Earth. But there’s almost no gravity in space, so food can float away, and astronauts must eat carefully.
Sleeping is very different in space. Some astronauts like to float in the air, but most like to be in a sleeping bag. They tie the bag to a wall that they won’t float away.
Exercise is very important in space. In space, astronauts do not use their legs often. This is bad for their legs, so they must do exercise for thirty minutes everyday.
( ) 1. People can put food on a plate because there’s gravity on our Earth.
( ) 2. In space, the food is floating in the air.
( ) 3. Astronauts tie the sleeping bag to a wall because sleeping bag is not safe.
( ) 4. In space, astronauts do not use their legs often, so they must do exercise everyday.
( ) 5. From this story, we can know how astronauts eat, sleep and exercise in space.
Alice's invitation
Welcome to Alice's birthday party!
Saturday, Feb 7th
Flat 15A Shanghai Road
With snacks, fruit and drinks
Play with toys, watch cartoons and play chess
( )(1)Alice Robert is going to have a ________ party.
A. Teachers' Day                      B. classmate          C. birthday
( )(2)The party starts(开始) at ___________.
A. four thirty in the morning
B. five thirty tomorrow
C. three thirty in the afternoon
( )(3)If you can't find the place, you can ___________.
A. call your mother                B. go home            C. call Alice
( )(4)Alice won't _____ at the party.
A. eat dumplings           B. have some fun            C. get gifts
( )(5)You will ________ at the party.
A. play football          B. watch cartoons           C. play cards
孩子们都有许多梦想,Sandy喜欢画画将来想成为一名美术家。Mary喜欢跳舞将来想成为一名舞蹈家。Tom 喜欢运动想成为一名足球运动员。Danny想成为一名警察。他认为警察很酷。他喜欢有关警察的电影。
二、T T F T T
The children are talking about their dreams. Sandy likes painting. She has some painting lessons every week. She wants to be an artist. Mary likes dancing. She can dance beautifully. She wants to be a dancer. Tom is good at sport. He likes playing football. He wants to be a football player. Danny wants to be a policeman. He thinks policemen are cool. He likes films about policemen.


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