文档介绍:Where can British people find their ideal spouses?spouse 是配偶的意思,指夫或妻,用于比较正式的场合。
How do they meet their other halves? other half,“另一半”,那口子(指自己的配偶),同时也可以指代男女朋友。
After a couple are engaged, they usually refer to each other as fiance/fiancee before others.fiance/fiancee未婚夫/妇
Sometimes people meet the love of their life at a party or in a pub. the love of your life 一生之爱,通常用于已经结婚的伴侣或是两人关系密切而稳定。the love of your life 一生之爱,通常用于已经结婚的伴侣或是两人关系密切而稳定。
除此之外还有几种比较甜蜜,幸福的称呼: my wifie/hubby my Mr./Miss. Right my lover my beloved my sweetheartmy prince/princess