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上传人:海洋里徜徉知识 2025/3/12 文件大小:127 KB





文档介绍:该【沪教牛津版四年级英语下册期末测试卷 】是由【海洋里徜徉知识】上传分享,文档一共【3】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【沪教牛津版四年级英语下册期末测试卷 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .

四,选择填空。(40 分)
( )1.______are at the beach .

题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 A Wang B Wangs C The Wangs
( )2 .Who’s she ? She’s________mother.
得 分
A Kitty and Ben’s B Kitty’s ang Ben’s C Kitty and Ben

( )3. How ______the lemon taste ? It’s sour.
一. 按要求写单词 (20 分)
A. do B. is
1.son (同音词) ——— 2. for (同音词)——
( ) is this ? It’s my cousin’s
A Who’s B What C Whose
3. hungry (反义词)———— 4. wet (反义词)————
( )5 What can you play ? I can play ____-basketball.
5. beautiful(反义词)———— 6. ride (现在分词)———
A . the B . / C . a
7. chase (现在分词)——— 8 .run (现在分词)——— ( ) you like these soldiers? Yes ,I _______
A. like B. do C. does
9. sandwich(复数)———— (复数)————
( )7 ______is this toy bear ? It’s twelve yuan .
二.用所给单词的适当形式填空 (10 分)
A .How many B . How much C. How
1 .My mother is _______(make) a cake in the kitchen.
( ) can see an aeroplane flying ______the mountain.
2 .What is your sister doing ?She is ________(wash)some dirty dishes.
A. under B. on C. above
3 .Can you ______(fly) a kite? No, I can’t.
( )9 .These are ________bananas.
is Grandpa ? He is ______(sit) in the bedroom and ______(watch) TV.
A. yellow big B. big yellow C. yellow small
,完成句子。(10 分)
( )10. There are fifteen ______ in my class.

A . student B. child C. children
cousin rainy cold ugly make

( )11. What is Ginger doing ? She’________.

A. sleeps B. sleep C. sleeping
1. It’s raining hard . It’s a _____-day.
( ) wind . Whoo-whoo!
2. Mother bird can ______a nest.
A. Listen B. Listen to C Look at
3. Linda is my _______ . I like her.
( )13 ._______Chen is writing a letter to her aunt .
4. I don’t like hot water . I like _____water .
A. The B. Mr C . Mrs
5. The baby is not beautiful . _______.
1 : .

( )14 ._______the blackboard and ________me . Today is Sunday .The sun is shining .It ’s cool and dry .The students are in the
A. Look…listen B. Look at…listen to C. Look at…listen park .Some girls are sitting under a big tree . They are singing .Kitty and Eddie are
( )15. What _____is it ? It’s four o’clock . flying kites .They are happy .On the grass, the boys are playing football. John is
A. time B. clock C. wind watching them .There is a pond in the park. Some ducks are in the pond .Betty is
( )16 .Here ______the Chens . drawing the ducks .She likes drawing .
A .are B. is C. am 1. Where are some girls ?____________________________________
( ) is a temple ____the top of the mountain . 2. What are some girls doing ?_________________________________
A .on B. at C. above 3. What are the boys doing ?____________________________________
( )18 ._______is your dog? He’s behind the tree. 4. Where are some ducks?_____________________________________
A. What 5. What is Betty doing ? _____________________________________