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夏甸金矿 毕业设计.doc

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夏甸金矿 毕业设计.doc

上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2018/3/3 文件大小:2.48 MB


夏甸金矿 毕业设计.doc


Xiadian gold mine built in 1981, officially put into operation in 1984, the design production capacity of 100 t/d, For length of service for the extension of mining, prospecting is an urgent need to increase storage and infrastructure. In view of the actual situation that transportation system plexed and the capability of main lifting equipments has been saturated,it’s not suitable to use the pioneering multi-stage system in blind extension wells,the best is to re-construct the shaft. according to mine gold mining areas Xiadian the actual plete the expansion project of mine production 1000t / d , the design of the range of 526-547 mining exploration on the 7th inter-line,-525m - 660m wide body.
The design of a total of 9 chapters, namely General, technical and economic, mining geology, mining, mining machinery, general layout transport, safety and environment, safety and industrial hygiene,the investment and budget. Including no-pillar sublevel caving method, roadway Engineering, is the design of the main. Mining use Flat-backcut-and-fill stoping method , it will have a huge economic, Some of the design includes the necessary drawings, drawings must be drawn in accordance with the relevant provisions.
The design of conservation, economic and environmental principles, according to the mine hydrogeological information, strictly abide by relevant state laws and regulations to meet the requirements. The title stems from reality, the actual result of this exercise, will enable u


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