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Unit 4 Body language
Unit 4 A
1. When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England
by car. Before they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommocation
. I suggested that they should stay at "bod and breakfast“ houses, because this
kind of accommodation gives foreign visitors a good chance to speak English with the
fami Iy. My friends 1 istened to my advice> but they came back with some funny stcries.
“We didn, t stay at ' bed and breakfast ' houses" they said, “because we found
that most families were away on holiday.”
I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My friends
spoke little English, and they thought "VACANCIES" meant "holidays”, because the
Spanish word for "holidays" is "vacacioncs”. So they did not go to houses where the
sign outside said “VACANCIES”, which in English means there are free rooms. Then my
friends went to houses where the sign said “NO VACANCIES ”, because they thought this
meant the people who the houses were not away on holiday. But they found that
these houses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!
We laughed at this and about the mistakes ny friends made in reading other
signs. In Spanish, the word “DIVERSION" moans fun. In English, it means that werkmen
are repairing the road, and that you must take a different road. When my friends saw
the word "DIVERSION" on a road sign, they thought they were going to have fun. Instead,
the road ended in a large hole.
English people also have problems when they 1 earn foreign languages. Once in Faris,
when someone offered me some more coffee, I said "Thank you" in French. I meant that
I would like some more. However, to my surprise, the coffee pot was taken away! Later
1 found out that "Thank you" in French means "No, thank you." . : .
1. Why did the author suggest his friends staying at "bed and breakfast/' houses?
A. It would be much cheaper than staying in hotels.
B. It would be convenient for them to have dinner together.
C. They wou1d be able to practise th eir English.
D. There would be no proolem about finding accommodation there.
2. If you see a road sign that says "DIVERSION" in London, you will __.
A. f a l1 into a large hole
li. find the road b 1 ocked by people
C. have a lot of fun and enjoy yourself
D. have to take a differ2nt road
3. What did the author really mean when the coffee pot was taken away?
A. He would finish drinking his coffee.
B. He was expecting another cup of coffee.
C. He meant that he didn't want any more.
D. He has already had enough coffee.
2. If you are invited to a wedding, baby shower or other celebrations, you will
be expected to bring a gift. Unless you know the host very well, the g ift should be
modest in value, about $ 25 or so.
For a wedding, tne bride will have ^registered " at one or two local
department stores, indicating the items she prefers. You can buy the couple a g ift
that isn 'l listed, but most peop 1 e buy something listed on the registry "#.
If you buy an item listed on the registry, be sure to te ll the store that ycu are
doing this, so that the couple doesn't receive duplicate $%&gifts. For & baby
shower, bi ing a g ift apjiupi late foi' ci new bom baby.
If you wish to give a g ift when you leave to return to your country, the best
g ift is something unique to your country. It does not need to be especially valuable
or rare. Possibi1itie s include a book about your country, an inexpensive piece of
handicraft '()*+or art, or something else that reflects your culture. If the
children collect coins and stamps, they would be very pleased with a set of your ccuntry,
coins or a selection of stamps from your Warning : .
If you owe a debt of deep gratitude to an American host family, a common way
of repaying it is to take the family to a form of entertainment, such as a baseball,
basketball, or a good restaurant.
Gift giving is not as important in America as it is in other countries, so
there is nothing wrong with not giving a gift. If you need help, talk to a sales,
person at a department store. Tell them about the person who will be receiving the
gift and the reason for the gift, and they will help you find something appropriate.
1. Why is collecting coins mentioned in the third paragraph?
A. To show the important role of coins as gifts.
B. To stress the popularity of coin collecting in America.
C. To give an example of selecting a unique gift.
D. To explain the relation between coins and culture.
2. What does the author intend to do in Para. 4?
A. Introduce a way to show gratitude. B. Add some background information.
C. Summarize ,- the previous paragraphs, some
family-friendly activities.
3. How does the writer develop the passage?
A. By using numbers. B. By giving examples. C. By giv in g reasons.
D. By telling stories.
4. Which can serve as a title for the text?
A. How to select a gift B. Gift giving in
C. Where to buy a gift D. Celebrations in
?\mei iuci
3. Other cultures can be different from ours in many aspects! They can eat
different foods and live in different types of houses. People probably speak different
languages and have beliefs and customs very different from yours. However, they can
also be similar in ways of connecting with each other. We sometimes cal 1 these means
of communication universal languages.
Some legends hold that, thousands of years ago, there was a single language : .
spoken by everyone on Earth. It is fun to think about a time when everyone may have
been able to communicate in the same language though historical evidence does not
support th is, of course.
Today, there are thousands of languages spoken around the world. Yet, there
are some means of communication that go beyond words and allow people of wildly
different backgrounds to communicate and share emotions and feelings. For example,
some peop 1 e believe music is a universal language. There may be some scien tific support
for this idea, too. Experts have learnt that, across cultures, peop1e can recognise
three common emotions in music: happiness, sadness and fear.
So what other types of universal languages might there be? Some people believe
dance is a universal language. Along with music, dancing seems to be a common interest
shared by people a ll over the world. Do you think you could see a dance from another
culture and make some reasonable guesses about the ideas and emotions behind it? We
bet you could!
Another universal language that you might not have thought of is math! If you
think about it now, though, i t just makes sense. The value of pi is roughly
no matter where you are on Earth, likewise, figuring out the value of something
involves the same mathenatical calculations, regardless of whether you* re counting
in dollars, pesos or coconuts.
1. What does the underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 pi'obably refer to?
A. The view that people only used one language.
B. The fact that there used to be many languages.
C. The evidence that proves old languages funny.
D. The doubt tlial people didu1 I undei bland each ulhei.
2. Why is music regarded as a universal language?
A. It can be enjoyed by people from a ll walks of life.
B. It can be understood more easily than languages.
C. 11 usual 1y comes from di fferent backgrounds.
D. It helps people to share common feelings.